
I have the following plot that I like to make. It details the gain of an amplifier.


ϕ0 = 2.07;(*fWb*)
fp = 7.5;
ωp = 2 π*fp;(*GHz*)
ωs = 2 π*fs;
ωi = (2*ωp - ωs);
a = 10;(*micro-meters*)
LL = 1670*10^-3;(*nH*)
Ij = ϕ0/(2 π*LL);
Ip = 0.5*Ij;
zchar = 50;
CC = 667*10^-6;(*nF*)
Cj = 9.6*10^-6;(*nF*)
x = NN*a;

RR = 3.182*10^3;(*Ohms*)

kp = (a^2 ωp (I + 2 CC RR ωp) + √(1/LL a^2 ωp (I + 2 CC RR ωp)^2 (a^2 LL ωp - 2 RR (-I + 2 CC RR ωp) (-1 + Cj LL ωp^2))))/(a^2 (ωp + 4 CC^2 RR^2 ωp^3));

ks = (a^2 ωs (I + 2 CC RR ωs) + √(1/LL a^2 ωs (I + 2 CC RR ωs)^2 (a^2 LL ωs - 2 RR (-I + 2 CC RR ωs) (-1 + Cj LL ωs^2))))/(a^2 (ωs + 4 CC^2 RR^2 ωs^3));

ki = (a^2 ωi (I + 2 CC RR ωi) + √(1/LL a^2 ωi (I + 2 CC RR ωi)^2 (a^2 LL ωi - 2 RR (-I + 2 CC RR ωi) (-1 + Cj LL ωi^2))))/(a^2 (ωi + 4 CC^2 RR^2 ωi^3));

Ap0 = (Ip*zchar)/ωp;

αpeff = Simplify[1/I*((kp (-2 I + kp))/(1 + kp (I + 2 CC RR ωp)) + (kp (-2 I + kp + 2 I CC kp RR ωp))/(16 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωp^2) (1 + kp (I + 2 CC RR ωp)))*Abs[Ap0]^2)];

αseff = Simplify[1/I*((ks (-2 I + ks))/(1 + ks (I + 2 CC RR ωs)) + (ks (-2 I + ks + 2 I CC ks RR ωs))/(8 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωs^2) (1 + ks (I + 2 CC RR ωs)))*Abs[Ap0]^2)];

αieff = Simplify[1/I*((ki (-2 I + ki))/(1 + ki (I + 2 CC RR ωi)) + (ki (-2 I + ki + 2 I CC ki RR ωi))/(8 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωi^2) (1 + ki (I + 2 CC RR ωi)))*Abs[Ap0]^2)];

κseff = Simplify[1/I*((ks (-2 I + ks + 2 I CC ks RR ωs))/(16 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωs^2) (1 + ks (I + 2 CC RR ωs)))*Ap0^2)];

κieff = Simplify[1/I*(ki (-2 I + ki + 2 I CC ki RR ωi))/(16 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωi^2) (1 + ki (I + 2 CC RR ωi)))*Ap0^2];

κistareff = Simplify[ComplexExpand[Conjugate[κieff]]];

ΔkL = 2 kp - ks - ki;
ΔkNL = 2 αpeff - αseff - αieff;
Δk = ΔkL + ΔkNL;
g = √((κseff*κistareff) - (Δk/2)^2);

newlhtlgain = Abs[Cosh[g*x]]^2 + Abs[Δk/(2 g)*Sinh[g*x]]^2 + I/2*(Conjugate[Δk/g*Sinh[g*x]]*Cosh[g*x] - Δk/g*Sinh[g*x]*Conjugate[Cosh[g*x]]);

Plot[10*Log10[Chop[newlhtlgain /. {NN -> 1000}]], {fs, 0, 15}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange ->{All, {0, 30}}]

At the output, which shows the gain as a function of frequency, I get something like this enter image description here

where my gain blows up at the beginning and end of the x-axis. However, if I zoom into the range of y-axis that I'm interested in. Namely, 0 to 30

Plot[10*Log10[Chop[newlhtlgain /. {NN -> 1000}]], {fs, 0, 15}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {All, {0, 30}}]

I get something like this

enter image description here

where it shows the correct gain profile in the x-axis range of 6.5 to 8.4, before the tail ends start to grow. In general, this shouldn't happen and the tail ends decay with the ripples. Why is this happening?

Edit: I suspect that this has to do with the way I'm writing my expressions for complex numbers. It would appear that printing newlhtlgain/.{NN->1000, fs->3} gives something like 57.5678-3.747*10^-16I. It's clear that the imaginary component is not suppose to be there, so using the Chop function should help. However, that doesn't change the overall shape of the plot at all.


1 Answer 1


How about increasing the precision of your numbers? In Mathematica you can do this by using `, like this: 10.`50, which means number 10.000... has 50 correct digits.

\[Phi]0 = 2.07`50;(*fWb*)
fp = 7.5`50;
\[Omega]p = 2 \[Pi]*fp;(*GHz*)
\[Omega]s = 2 \[Pi]*fs;
\[Omega]i = (2*\[Omega]p - \[Omega]s);
a = 10;(*micro-meters*)
LL = 1670*10^-3;(*nH*)
Ij = \[Phi]0/(2 \[Pi]*LL);
Ip = 1/2*Ij;
zchar = 50;
CC = 667*10^-6;(*nF*)
Cj = 9.6`50*10^-6;(*nF*)
x = NN*a;
RR = 3.182`50*10^3;(*Ohms*)

The resulting plot is below. Unsure however why your gain would be negative near (7,8).

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your response. However, as you can see, the gain profile seems to vanish completely and it looks to be some parabola. Also, the gain is negative so that can't be possible. $\endgroup$
    – kowalski
    Commented Apr 5, 2022 at 15:35
  • $\begingroup$ I see. Another idea would be to rationalize all the coefficients so that the final result is a function with exact coefficients. If I do that for fs=4 and fs=7, I get exactly the results you would expect from your plot, i.e. 7.38 and 23.8, respectively... I wonder if parts of expression almost cancel out, but not exactly and this somehow gets amplified by how the equations are written. $\endgroup$
    – mszynisz
    Commented Apr 5, 2022 at 21:32
  • $\begingroup$ Rationalizing all the parameters returns the same plot result. Furthermore, setting fs=4 does not give exactly 7.38, it returns 7.38 - 4.4*(10^-17)i, which upon using Chop, eliminates the spurious imaginary component. Can you elaborate on what you did to get exact numbers? (no spurious imaginary components) $\endgroup$
    – kowalski
    Commented Apr 6, 2022 at 19:25
  • $\begingroup$ If I remove ComplexExpand[], the imaginary component becomes 0. I. (Then you don't need Chop to plot it, for example.) $\endgroup$
    – mszynisz
    Commented Apr 7, 2022 at 7:10
  • $\begingroup$ By the way, the last term in newlhtlgain can be simplified to Im[\[CapitalDelta]k/g*Sinh[g*x]*Conjugate[Cosh[g*x]]]. $\endgroup$
    – mszynisz
    Commented Apr 7, 2022 at 7:48

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