I have the following plot that I like to make. It details the gain of an amplifier.
ϕ0 = 2.07;(*fWb*)
fp = 7.5;
ωp = 2 π*fp;(*GHz*)
ωs = 2 π*fs;
ωi = (2*ωp - ωs);
a = 10;(*micro-meters*)
LL = 1670*10^-3;(*nH*)
Ij = ϕ0/(2 π*LL);
Ip = 0.5*Ij;
zchar = 50;
CC = 667*10^-6;(*nF*)
Cj = 9.6*10^-6;(*nF*)
x = NN*a;
RR = 3.182*10^3;(*Ohms*)
kp = (a^2 ωp (I + 2 CC RR ωp) + √(1/LL a^2 ωp (I + 2 CC RR ωp)^2 (a^2 LL ωp - 2 RR (-I + 2 CC RR ωp) (-1 + Cj LL ωp^2))))/(a^2 (ωp + 4 CC^2 RR^2 ωp^3));
ks = (a^2 ωs (I + 2 CC RR ωs) + √(1/LL a^2 ωs (I + 2 CC RR ωs)^2 (a^2 LL ωs - 2 RR (-I + 2 CC RR ωs) (-1 + Cj LL ωs^2))))/(a^2 (ωs + 4 CC^2 RR^2 ωs^3));
ki = (a^2 ωi (I + 2 CC RR ωi) + √(1/LL a^2 ωi (I + 2 CC RR ωi)^2 (a^2 LL ωi - 2 RR (-I + 2 CC RR ωi) (-1 + Cj LL ωi^2))))/(a^2 (ωi + 4 CC^2 RR^2 ωi^3));
Ap0 = (Ip*zchar)/ωp;
αpeff = Simplify[1/I*((kp (-2 I + kp))/(1 + kp (I + 2 CC RR ωp)) + (kp (-2 I + kp + 2 I CC kp RR ωp))/(16 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωp^2) (1 + kp (I + 2 CC RR ωp)))*Abs[Ap0]^2)];
αseff = Simplify[1/I*((ks (-2 I + ks))/(1 + ks (I + 2 CC RR ωs)) + (ks (-2 I + ks + 2 I CC ks RR ωs))/(8 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωs^2) (1 + ks (I + 2 CC RR ωs)))*Abs[Ap0]^2)];
αieff = Simplify[1/I*((ki (-2 I + ki))/(1 + ki (I + 2 CC RR ωi)) + (ki (-2 I + ki + 2 I CC ki RR ωi))/(8 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωi^2) (1 + ki (I + 2 CC RR ωi)))*Abs[Ap0]^2)];
κseff = Simplify[1/I*((ks (-2 I + ks + 2 I CC ks RR ωs))/(16 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωs^2) (1 + ks (I + 2 CC RR ωs)))*Ap0^2)];
κieff = Simplify[1/I*(ki (-2 I + ki + 2 I CC ki RR ωi))/(16 Ij^2 LL^2 (-1 + Cj LL ωi^2) (1 + ki (I + 2 CC RR ωi)))*Ap0^2];
κistareff = Simplify[ComplexExpand[Conjugate[κieff]]];
ΔkL = 2 kp - ks - ki;
ΔkNL = 2 αpeff - αseff - αieff;
Δk = ΔkL + ΔkNL;
g = √((κseff*κistareff) - (Δk/2)^2);
newlhtlgain = Abs[Cosh[g*x]]^2 + Abs[Δk/(2 g)*Sinh[g*x]]^2 + I/2*(Conjugate[Δk/g*Sinh[g*x]]*Cosh[g*x] - Δk/g*Sinh[g*x]*Conjugate[Cosh[g*x]]);
Plot[10*Log10[Chop[newlhtlgain /. {NN -> 1000}]], {fs, 0, 15}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange ->{All, {0, 30}}]
At the output, which shows the gain as a function of frequency, I get something like this
where my gain blows up at the beginning and end of the x-axis. However, if I zoom into the range of y-axis that I'm interested in. Namely, 0
to 30
Plot[10*Log10[Chop[newlhtlgain /. {NN -> 1000}]], {fs, 0, 15}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {All, {0, 30}}]
I get something like this
where it shows the correct gain profile in the x-axis range of 6.5
to 8.4
, before the tail ends start to grow. In general, this shouldn't happen and the tail ends decay with the ripples. Why is this happening?
Edit: I suspect that this has to do with the way I'm writing my expressions for complex numbers. It would appear that printing newlhtlgain/.{NN->1000, fs->3}
gives something like 57.5678-3.747*10^-16I
. It's clear that the imaginary component is not suppose to be there, so using the Chop
function should help. However, that doesn't change the overall shape of the plot at all.