First I plotted this and got a nice graph.
Graph[Range[7], {},
VertexLabels ->
Thread[Range[7] -> (Style[#, Red, 20, Bold] & /@ Range[7])],
VertexSize -> Small, VertexStyle -> Red,
VertexCoordinates -> {1 -> {0, 0}, 2 -> {0, 3}, 3 -> {5, 3}},
EdgeStyle -> Directive[Green, Thickness[0.05]],
EdgeLabelStyle -> Directive[Blue, Bold, 50]]
Next I added two edges and it ruined my graph. The vertexcoordinate doesn't seem to work anymore. Does anyone know why and how to fix this?
Graph[Range[7], {1 \[UndirectedEdge] 2, 1 \[UndirectedEdge] 3},
VertexLabels ->
Thread[Range[7] -> (Style[#, Red, 20, Bold] & /@ Range[7])],
VertexSize -> Small, VertexStyle -> Red,
VertexCoordinates -> {1 -> {0, 0}, 2 -> {0, 3}, 3 -> {5, 3}},
EdgeStyle -> Directive[Green, Thickness[0.05]],
EdgeLabelStyle -> Directive[Blue, Bold, 50]]