There are a number of structurally homogeneous inequalities:
$\begin{array}{l} \left| s_1\right| \leq \sqrt{4 s_2} \\ \left| s_2\right| \leq \sqrt{4 s_4} \\ \left| s_3\right| \leq \sqrt{4 s_6} \\ \left| s_3\right| \leq \sqrt{s_2 s_4} \\ \left| s_4\right| \leq \sqrt{s_2 s_6} \\ \left| s_5\right| \leq \sqrt{s_4 s_6} \\ \end{array}$
n = 4;
A = HankelMatrix[Table[Subscript[s, i], {i, 0, n - 1}],
Table[Subscript[s, i], {i, n - 1, 2 n - 2}]];
DeleteDuplicates[DeleteCases[Flatten[Table[Piecewise[{{Abs[A[[i, j]]] <= Sqrt[A[[i, i]] A[[j, j]]], i != j}, {0, i = j}}], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}]], 0]] // Column;
where $s_1,s_3,s_5∈[-2;2]$
$s_2,s_4,s_6>0$ and for example $∈[0;1]$
Then, I plot regions where any of these inequalities hold:
Abs[Subscript[s, 1]] <= Sqrt[4 Subscript[s, 2]], {Subscript[s,
1], -2, 2}, {Subscript[s, 2], 0, 1}, ImageSize -> Small]
Abs[Subscript[s, 3]] <= Sqrt[
Subscript[s, 2] Subscript[s, 4]], {Subscript[s, 3], -2,
2}, {Subscript[s, 2], 0, 1}, {Subscript[s, 4], 0, 1},
ImageSize -> Small]
Abs[Subscript[s, 4]] <= Sqrt[
Subscript[s, 2] Subscript[s, 6]], {Subscript[s, 2], 0,
1}, {Subscript[s, 4], 0, 1}, {Subscript[s, 6], 0, 1},
ImageSize -> Small]
Is it possible to graphically determine the region of intersection of all these inequalities in which they are satisfied?
The most important thing that interests me is that there is some feature in the structure of these inequalities that should give a clear answer on how to handle their solutions. But I can not see it in any way, there is not enough knowledge.