I have this hexagon that defined according to these points
Boundrs = {{-(π/3), -(π/Sqrt[3])}, {-((2 π)/3),
0}, {-(π/3), π/Sqrt[3]}, {π/3, π/
Sqrt[3]}, {(2 π)/3,
0}, {π/3, -(π/Sqrt[3])}, {π/
3, -(π/Sqrt[3])}, {-(π/3), -(π/Sqrt[3])}};
I would like to get a regular mesh of points {xi,yi}
that are only inside or at the border.
I tried this
region = Polygon[Boundrs];
points = RandomPoint[region, 900];
Show[ListLinePlot[Boundrs, PlotStyle -> Red, AspectRatio -> 1],
ListPlot[points, ImageSize -> 200]]
but it gives a random mesh, I would like to get regular mesh, something like this