We wish to analyze the tree structure of HTML documents that consist of nested lists, ie, using the HTML tags <ul>
and <li>
. The documents are generated by Workflowy, a note taking web app that can manage arbitrarily deep nesting (and dynamically re-arrange them by zooming and searching).
For example, here's a portion of one document:
<ul class="ul1">
<li class="li2">Subjective</li>
<ul class="ul1">
<li class="li2">XX yr old man here for fu on med problems</li>
<li class="li2">feels absolutely positively wonderful</li>
<li class="li2">Active problems</li>
<ul class="ul1">
<li class="li2">htn</li>
<ul class="ul1">
<li class="li2">started on hctz in 8/10, in early 11 given lasix as his gfr was low</li>
<li class="li2">limits salt caffeine, home readings140/80 or less when he runs</li>
<li class="li2">not been exercising now</li>
After applying the main parse function in Leonid Shifrin's HTML parser (Thanks for that), the above portion is transcoded to:
ulContainer[attribContainer[ class="ul1"],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],Subjective],
,ulContainer[attribContainer[ class="ul1"],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],XX yr old man here for fu on med problems],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],feels absolutely positively wonderful],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],Active problems],
,ulContainer[attribContainer[ class="ul1"],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],htn],
,ulContainer[attribContainer[ class="ul1"],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],started on hctz in 8/10, in early 11 given lasix as his gfr was low],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],limits salt caffeine, home readings140/80 or less when he runs],
,liContainer[attribContainer[ class="li2"],not been exercising now],
Shifrin writes:
What it gives you is a symbolic tree representation of the parsed html document, with different tags transformed into ...Container[content], for example divContainer[aContainer["Some text"]]. The container names mirror the html tag names, except for attribContainer which is for tag attributes. Also, without post-processing, no information is lost
What is required is a method to strip the markup and extract the text data as strings into a nested list expression preserving the (tree) structure. Thus for the above portion, the desired output is:
{"XX yr old man here for fu on med problems",
"feels absolutely positively wonderful"},
"Active problems",
{"started on hctz in 8/10, in early 11 given lasix as his gfr was low",
"limits salt caffeine, home readings140/80 or less when he runs",
"not been exercising now"}}}
I made the entire HTML document available online:
parsed = postProcess@
NOTES.001-01.0.WORKFLOWY.20130527.html", "TEXT"]];
From manually analyzing the example () and following the tree structure, it's easy to extract at the top level, eg:
Column@Cases[parsed[[1, 5, 5]],
liContainer[attribContainer[_], txt_] :> txt]
Active problems
General health
Past medical and surgical history
8/08 Family History
8/08 Personal and social history
Clinical Reminder Activity
I would appreciate help with the method to automate extraction at all levels.
data = Import["http://statigrafix.com/projects/pace/datasets/20130527/NOTES.001-01.0.WORKFLOWY.20130527.html", {"HTML", "XMLObject"}];
thenCases[data, XMLElement["body", ___], \[Infinity]] //. XMLElement[_, _, content_] :> content