
I would like to render an emoji in the label of a TimelinePlot DateObject.


pubemoji = FromCharacterCode[{9999, 65039}] <> " "; (* space added otherwise glyph clipped *)
{pubemoji, TimelinePlot[
    pubemoji <> "<- different glyph!"

Where I expect the emoji to render in the form returned by FromCharacterCode[{9999, 65039}].

It however renders a different glyph entirely.

enter image description here

Whereas other emoji render closer to what is returned in FromCharacterCode in the notebook frontend.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What version are you using? Might have been a fixed bug recently. $\endgroup$
    – user5601
    Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 1:47
  • $\begingroup$ Using version (Mac OS X) x86 64 bit $\endgroup$
    – mcg256
    Commented Nov 11, 2021 at 2:07

1 Answer 1


In version 12.3.1 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (June 24, 2021), both of them are rendered correctly.

Mathematica graphics

However, when exported to PDF, both of them get rendered as black&white characters.

PDF export

I think the easiest solution is to rasterize the glyph.

pubemoji = Rasterize[Style[FromCharacterCode[{9999, 65039}], FontSize -> 20]]; 
{pubemoji, TimelinePlot[Style[Labeled[DateObject[], Row[{pubemoji, "<- same glyph"}]]]]}

Mathematica graphics

Note that this is note a quirk of the TimelinePlot, but appears to be a general problem of rendering "non-standard" glyphs.

  • $\begingroup$ Different result on "12.3.1 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (July 8, 2021)" i.sstatic.net/eFZ5C.png $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 14:22
  • $\begingroup$ On 12.3.1 Mac OS X x86 the emoji do not render whatsoever in PDF/PNG or any graphic format i've tried. For the emoji, it looked like it was vectorized but now that i think about it likely not. I'll use your rasterize method (thank you) and likely that will help get the emoji into the output format. thanks again. $\endgroup$
    – mcg256
    Commented Nov 11, 2021 at 2:09

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