I'm trying to solve matrix differential equation with DSolve, but I got an error.
L = 1 - t;
f1 = Integrate[1/(1 - u)^2, {u, 0, t}];
d = Table[If[k == n, 0, ((k*n)/(k^2 - n^2))*
Exp[I*Pi^2*(k^2 - n^2)*f1]], {k, 4}, {n, 4}];
g = D[L, t]/L;
B[t_] = {b1[t], b2[t], b3[t], b4[t]};
sol = DSolve[B'[t] ==- 2 g d.B[t], B[t], t]
The error :
DSolve::nolist: List encountered within {ConditionalExpression[(b1^\[Prime])[t]==(2 (-(2/3) E^(3 I Power[<<2>>] Power[<<2>>] t) b2[t]-3/8 E^(8 <<3>> t) b3[t]-4/15 E^(15 I <<1>> Power[<<2>>] t) b4[t]))/(1-t),Re[t]<=1||t\[NotElement]\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]],ConditionalExpression[(b2^\[Prime])[t]==(2 (<<1>>))/(1-t),Re[t]<=1||t\[NotElement]\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]],<<21>>[<<1>>==<<1>>,<<1>>],ConditionalExpression[(b4^\[Prime])[t]==(2 (<<1>>))/(1-t),Re[t]<=1||t\[NotElement]\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]]}. There should be no lists on either side of the equations.
I have tried this procedure on solving simpler matrix differential equation of the same format and it worked :
a = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};
X[t_] = {x1[t], x2[t]};
sol = DSolve[X'[t] == a.X[t], X[t], t]
Output :
{{x1[t] -> -(1/22) E^((5 t)/2 - (Sqrt[33] t)/
2) (-11 - Sqrt[33] - 11 E^(Sqrt[33] t) +
Sqrt[33] E^(Sqrt[33] t)) C[1] + (
2 E^((5 t)/2 - (Sqrt[33] t)/2) (-1 + E^(Sqrt[33] t)) C[2])/Sqrt[
x2[t] -> Sqrt[3/11] E^((5 t)/2 - (Sqrt[33] t)/2) (-1 + E^(Sqrt[33] t)) C[
1] + 1/22 E^((5 t)/2 - (Sqrt[33] t)/
2) (11 - Sqrt[33] + 11 E^(Sqrt[33] t) +
Sqrt[33] E^(Sqrt[33] t)) C[2]}}
(which is really more appropriate for program flow control) toPiecewise
in your conditional definitions. $\endgroup$