I am a bit puzzled by Mathematica's behaviour. I am trying to evaluate some 1D integrals which depend on parameters phi1,phi2
numerically (functions f1
and f2
), however NIntegrate
always outputs 0 whereas plotting the integrand with Plot
shows that the integral is non-zero.
Here is the code in question:
t = 1;
lambda = 0.3;
hbarOmega = 4;
q = 0.5;
alpha = 4 lambda^2 t (Sin[q/2])/q;
A[k_] := 2 t (Sin[q/2]/q) Sin[k] (1/(hbarOmega + 4 t Sin[q/2] Sin[k]) +
1/(hbarOmega - 4 t Sin[q/2] Sin[k]));
B[k_] := 2 t (Sin[q/2]/q) Sin[k] (1/(hbarOmega + 4 t Sin[q/2] Sin[k]) -
1/(hbarOmega - 4 t Sin[q/2] Sin[k]));
e1[k_] := 4 t lambda^2 (Sin[q/2]/q) B[k + q/2] Sin[k + q/2];
e2[k_] := -4 t lambda^2 (Sin[q/2]/q) B[k - q/2] Sin[k - q/2];
en[k_] := -2 t Cos[k] + e1[k - q] + e2[k + q];
F[k_, phi1_, phi2_] := - alpha (A[k] phi1 + Sin[k] phi2);
mu[phi1_, phi2_] := - 2 alpha Re[phi1 Conjugate[phi2]];
hMf[k_, phi1_, phi2_] := {{en[k + q/2],F[k, phi1, phi2]}, {Conjugate[F[k, phi1, phi2]], en[k -
u[k_, phi1_, phi2_] := Transpose[Eigenvectors[hMf[k, phi1, phi2]]];
enMf[k_, phi1_, phi2_] := ConjugateTranspose[u[k, phi1, phi2]].hMf[k, phi1, phi2].u[k, phi1,
o[k_, phi1_, phi2_] := ConjugateTranspose[u[k, phi1, phi2]].{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}.u[k, phi1,phi2];
f1[phi1_?NumericQ,phi2_?NumericQ] := (1/(2 Pi)) NIntegrate[
Sin[k]*(o[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]] Boole[
enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]] +
o[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] Boole[
enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]]), {k, -Pi, Pi}];
f2[phi1_?NumericQ,phi2_?NumericQ] := (1/(2 Pi)) NIntegrate[A[k] (o[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]]
Boole[enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]] +
o[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] Boole[
enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]]), {k, -Pi,Pi}];
f1[1, 1]
Plot[Sin[k]*(o[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]] Boole[
enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]] +
o[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] Boole[
enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]]) /. {phi1 -> 1, phi2 -> 1}, {k, -Pi, Pi}]
Plot[Sin[k]*(o[k, 1, 1][[1, 1]] Boole[enMf[k, 1, 1][[1, 1]] <= mu[1, 1]] + o[k, 1, 1][[2, 2]]
Boole[enMf[k, 1, 1][[2, 2]] <= mu[1, 1]]), {k, -Pi, Pi}]
So for example, when I evaluate the integral given by f1[1,1]
, I get an output of 0 alongside with a warning that Mathematica couldn't find all eigenvectors of a 2x2 matrix which is bizarre, because when I plot the eigenvalues separately with:
Plot[{enMf[k, 1, 1][[1, 1]], enMf[k, 1, 1][[2, 2]]}, {k, -Pi, Pi}]
the warning is not present.
However when I plot the integrand inside f1
with the same parameters phi1=1,phi2=1
Plot[Sin[k]*(o[k, 1, 1][[1, 1]] Boole[
enMf[k, 1, 1][[1, 1]] <= mu[1, 1]] +
o[k, 1, 1][[2, 2]] Boole[
enMf[k, 1, 1][[2, 2]] <= mu[1, 1]]), {k, -Pi, Pi}]
it shows that the integrand is always positive and that the integral should be non-zero.
Moreover, there is another oddity: replacing the parameters phi1
within the integrand with /.
for the same values phi1=1,phi2=1
like so:
Plot[Sin[k]*(o[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]] Boole[
enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[1, 1]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]] +
o[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] Boole[
enMf[k, phi1, phi2][[2, 2]] <= mu[phi1, phi2]]) /. {phi1 -> 1,phi2 -> 1}, {k, -Pi, Pi}]
gives a different plot compared to just substituting the values phi1=1,phi2=1
Plot[Sin[k]*(o[k, 1, 1][[1, 1]] Boole[
enMf[k, 1, 1][[1, 1]] <= mu[1, 1]] +
o[k, 1, 1][[2, 2]] Boole[
enMf[k, 1, 1][[2, 2]] <= mu[1, 1]]), {k, -Pi, Pi}]
which I find very bizarre and assume has to do with delayed evaluation. Any suggestions would be appreciated.