So I'm facing the somewhat bizarre situation where I can plot a function and it shows up fine, but trying to numerically integrate it causes problems. This is the plot command.
Plot[MathieuS[MathieuCharacteristicB[2 0 + 2, 1/(4 0.0275272807115071^2)],
1/( 4 0.0275272807115071^2), x] MathieuCPrime[MathieuCharacteristicA[0,
1/(4 0.0275272807115071^2)], 1/(4 0.0275272807115071^2), x], {x, 0, 6.28},
PlotRange -> Full]
This is what the plot looks like. But when I try to numerically integrate the same function by just replacing 'plot' above with 'NIntegrate' I get this error message:
NIntegrate::inumr: "The integrand MathieuCPrime[-623.771,329.924,x]\ MathieuS[-552.13,329.924,x] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{0,6.28}}."
Taking the above expression and substituting a value for x
doesn't produce a number:
expr =
MathieuS[MathieuCharacteristicB[2 0 + 2,
1/(4 0.0275272807115071^2)], 1/(4 0.0275272807115071^2),
x] MathieuCPrime[
MathieuCharacteristicA[0, 1/(4 0.0275272807115071^2)],
1/(4 0.0275272807115071^2), x];
expr /. x -> 0.1
(* 6.98552*10^-13 MathieuS[-552.13, 329.924, 0.1] *)
Any clues how to proceed?
function for large arguments. $\endgroup$