
What's the easiest way to ingest time series data on cryptocurrencies into Mathematica?

I'm looking for up-to-date price, volume, and other properties for both major coins and altcoins.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I don't believe there's any functionality on crypto in WL directly related to trading crypto, although there is a lot of blockchain stuff in there (like BlockchainData). You can use CurrencyConvert for a couple of the popular coins as well. You are likely to need to build this functionality yourself from some available API. $\endgroup$
    – Carl Lange
    Commented May 14, 2021 at 18:11

2 Answers 2


There are multiple crypto-currencies data sources, but a small proportion of them give a convenient way of extracting crypto-currencies data automatically. I found the easiest to work with to be https://finance.yahoo.com/cryptocurrencies, [YF1].

(I also looked into using https://data.bitcoinity.org and https://www.coindesk.com/coindesk20. )

Remark: The code below is made with certain ad-hoc inductive reasoning that brought meaningful results. This means the code has to be changed if the underlying data organization in [YF1] is changed.

Getting cryptocurrencies symbols and summaries

In this section we get all crypto-currencies symbols and related metadata.

Get the data of all crypto-currencies in [YF1]:

  lsData = Import["https://finance.yahoo.com/cryptocurrencies", "Data"]; 

(*{6.36272, Null}*)

Locate the data:

pos = First@Position[lsData, {"Symbol", "Name", "Price (Intraday)", "Change", "% Change", ___}];
dsCryptoCurrenciesColumnNames = lsData[[Sequence @@ pos]]

(*{"Symbol", "Name", "Price (Intraday)", "Change", "% Change", "Market Cap", "Volume in Currency (Since 0:00 UTC)", "Volume in Currency (24Hr)", "Total Volume All Currencies (24Hr)", "Circulating Supply", "52 Week Range", "1 Day Chart"}*)


Get the data:

dsCryptoCurrencies = lsData[[Sequence @@ Append[Most[pos], 2]]];

(*{25, 10}*)

Make a dataset:

dsCryptoCurrencies = Dataset[dsCryptoCurrencies][All, AssociationThread[dsCryptoCurrenciesColumnNames[[1 ;; -3]], #] &]

enter image description here

Get all time series

In this section we get all the crypto-currencies time series from [YF1].

 ccNow = Round@AbsoluteTime[Date[]] - 
   AbsoluteTime[{1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}];
 aCryptoCurrenciesDataRaw =
    # -> ResourceFunction["ImportCSVToDataset"][
       "https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/" <> # <>
         "?period1=1410825600&period2=" <> ToString[ccNow] <> 
        "&interval=1d&events=history&includeAdjustedClose=true"] &, 
    Normal[dsCryptoCurrencies[All, "Symbol"]]

(*{6.21141, Null}*)

Check we got the data with dimensions retrieval:

Dimensions /@ aCryptoCurrenciesDataRaw

(*<|"BTC-USD" -> {2464, 7}, "ETH-USD" -> {2140, 7}, "USDT-USD" -> {2303, 7}, "BNB-USD" -> {1422, 7}, "ADA-USD" -> {1354, 7}, "DOGE-USD" -> {2464, 7}, "XRP-USD" -> {2464, 7}, "USDC-USD" -> {982, 7}, "DOT1-USD" -> {300, 7}, "HEX-USD" -> {547, 7}, "UNI3-USD" -> {77, 7},"BCH-USD" -> {1424, 7}, "LTC-USD" -> {2464, 7}, "SOL1-USD" -> {432, 7}, "LINK-USD" -> {1365, 7}, "MATIC-USD" -> {780, 7}, "THETA-USD" -> {1246, 7}, "XLM-USD" -> {2464, 7}, "ICP1-USD" -> {28, 7}, "VET-USD" -> {1048, 7}, "ETC-USD" -> {1788, 7}, "FIL-USD" -> {1281, 7}, "AMP1-USD" -> {76, 7}, "TRX-USD" -> {1372, 7}, "XMR-USD" -> {2464, 7}|>*)

Check we got the data with random sample:

RandomSample[#, 6] & /@ KeyTake[aCryptoCurrenciesDataRaw, RandomChoice[Keys@aCryptoCurrenciesDataRaw]]

enter image description here

Here we add the crypto-currencies symbols and convert date strings into date objects.

  aCryptoCurrenciesData = Association@KeyValueMap[Function[{k, v}, k -> v[All, Join[<|"Symbol" -> k, "DateObject" -> DateObject[#Date]|>, #] &]], aCryptoCurrenciesDataRaw]; 

(*{8.58146, Null}*)


In this section we compute the summary over all datasets:

ResourceFunction["RecordsSummary"][Join @@ Values[aCryptoCurrenciesData], "MaxTallies" -> 30]

enter image description here


Here we plot the “Low” and “High” price time series for each crypto-currency for the last 120 days:

nDays = 120;
  Block[{dsTemp = #[Select[AbsoluteTime[#DateObject] > AbsoluteTime[DatePlus[Now, -Quantity[nDays, "Days"]]] &]]}, 
      Normal[dsTemp[All, {"DateObject", "Low"}][Values]], 
      Normal[dsTemp[All, {"DateObject", "High"}][Values]]}, 
     PlotLegends -> {"Low", "High"}, 
     PlotRange -> All] 
   ] &, 

enter image description here

Here we plot the volume time series for each crypto-currency for the last 120 days:

nDays = 120;
  Block[{dsTemp = #[Select[AbsoluteTime[#DateObject] > AbsoluteTime[DatePlus[Now, -Quantity[nDays, "Days"]]] &]]}, 
      Normal[dsTemp[All, {"DateObject", "Volume"}][Values]]}, 
     PlotLabel -> "Volume", 
     PlotRange -> All] 
   ] &, 

enter image description here


[YF1] Yahoo! Finance, Cryptocurrencies.


Is there a CryptocurrencyData alternative to FinancialData?

I implemented a resource function that can be used to obtain cryptocurrency data using the approach explained in my previous post. See CryptocurrencyData:

enter image description here

BTW, FinancialData is aware of 10 cryptocurrencies, but that is not documented (as far as I can tell) and only prices are provided. (For more details see the discussion in CryptocurrencyData.)


DateListPlot@FinancialData["BTC", "Jan 1 2021"]
DateListPlot@FinancialData["ETH", "Jan 1 2021"]

enter image description here


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