I was following a code given by Jens in the following Question and I want to improve the way my equation is displayed. The current code I'm using:
CommonDefaultFormatTypes -> {"Output" -> TraditionalForm}]
Derivative /:
TraditionalForm] :=
Module[{bb, dd, sp}, MakeBoxes[dd, _] ^= "\[PartialD]";
MakeBoxes[sp, _] ^= "\[ThinSpace]";
bb /: MakeBoxes[bb[x__], _] := RowBox[Map[ToBoxes[#] &, {x}]];
TemplateBox[{ToBoxes[bb[dd^Plus[\[Alpha]], f1]],
bb[dd, #] &, (Pick[{vars}, #]^Pick[{\[Alpha]}, #] &[
Thread[{\[Alpha]} > 0]])], sp]]],
ToBoxes[Derivative[\[Alpha]][f1][vars]]}, "ShortFraction",
DisplayFunction :> (FractionBox[#1, #2] &),
InterpretationFunction :> (#3 &), Tooltip -> Automatic]]
and for the following equation
T[x, t] == ((h - y) (2 \[Mu] - x) D[p[x, t], t] + (x + y) D[ l[x, t], {t, 2}])/(2 h \[Mu] l[x, t])
I get this output:
and I want to display each derivative outside of the fraction, as in the following form:
Meaning, I want to output each derivative as a coefficient times the derivative term.
I hope my question is clear enough and thanks for your time and effort.