I need to evaluate this sum:
Where x = 33.6614 and $k,l,s$ are non-negative index of the three sum. For example $k,l,s=0,1,2,3,...$.
Furthermore, $M$ is a positive integer that is $M=1,2,3,4...$
For the case of $s = 0,k = 0,l = 0,M = 4$, I enter my meijerG function in this form
MeijerG[{{2}, {}}, {{0, 2, 3, 4 + 2}, {}}, 33.6614]
Mathematica said that:
"MeijerG[{{2},{}},{{0,2,3,6},{}},33.6614] does not exist. Arguments are not consistent"
Why does this happen and is there anyway to work around this ?
I myself suspect that some there might be some condition regarding the variable $l,s,k,M$ but it just some gut feeling
Thank you very much !
For more information, the big meijerG function that I am trying to evaluate come from the evaluation of this integral
Integrate[(-z/\[Gamma])^S* (1/z)^L *Exp[-(a + c)/(z*\[CapitalOmega])]*
MeijerG[{{1}, {}}, {{k + 1, k + 2, k + M + 1}, {}}, z*e], {z,
0, \[Infinity]},
Assumptions ->
Element[{a, c, \[CapitalOmega], \[Gamma], e}, PositiveReals]]