
I'd like to transform this dataset:

  <|"Name" -> "Steven","Born" -> 1980, "Year" -> 2017, "Score" -> 115|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Steven", "Born" -> 1980, "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 230|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Joe", "Born" -> 1981, "Year" -> 2017, "Score" -> 70|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Joe", "Born" -> 1981, "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 300|>

into this dataset:

  <|"Name" -> "Steven", "Born" -> 1980, "Score_2017" -> 115, "Score_2018" -> 230|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Joe", "Born" -> 1981, "Score_2017" -> 70, "Score_2018" -> 300|>

In R's tidyr this operation is called pivot_wider.

Any pointers?

I know that it requires a GroupBy["Name"]


3 Answers 3


This is the simplest way I could think off:

ds = Dataset[{
  <|"Name" -> "Steven","Born" -> 1980, "Year" -> 2017, "Score" -> 115|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Steven", "Born" -> 1980, "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 230|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Joe", "Born" -> 1981, "Year" -> 2017, "Score" -> 70|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Joe", "Born" -> 1981, "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 300|>
  GroupBy[#Name &],
  ResourceFunction["MergeByKey"][{{"Name", "Born"} -> First}]
  Append[KeyDrop[#, {"Year", "Score"}],
    AssociationThread["Score_" <> ToString[#]& /@ #Year, #Score]

enter image description here

If different people have different years, you might want to use KeyUnion to make the dataset square again. Documentation for MergeByKey is here

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for writing and submitting to WFR MergeByKey ! $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 3, 2020 at 18:50
  • $\begingroup$ Great! That works. I also found a solution with Merge, as I post below just for completeness. $\endgroup$
    – Stephan
    Commented Oct 3, 2020 at 23:02

You can use the package "DataReshape.m" as shown below. (It is in my ToDo list to submit the corresponding functions to Wolfram Function Repository very soon.)

Load the package:


Here is the original dataset:

dsData = Dataset[{<|"Name" -> "Steven", "Born" -> 1980, 
     "Year" -> 2017, "Score" -> 115|>, <|"Name" -> "Steven", 
     "Born" -> 1980, "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 230|>, <|
     "Name" -> "Joe", "Born" -> 1981, "Year" -> 2017, 
     "Score" -> 70|>, <|"Name" -> "Joe", "Born" -> 1981, 
     "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 300|>}];

enter image description here

Let us convert it to a “proper” long form with ID variables all except “Score”:

dsLong = ToLongForm[dsData, {"Name", "Born", "Year"}, Automatic]

enter image description here

Here we change the values of the column “Variable” to have the values of the column “Year” as suffixes:

dsLong2 = 
  Join[KeyTake[#, {"Name", "Born", "Value"}], <|
     "Variable" -> 
      StringRiffle[{#Variable, ToString[#Year]}, "_"]|>] &]

enter image description here

Here we convert to wide form with ID variables “Name” and “Born”:

ToWideForm[dsLong2, {"Name", "Born"}, "Variable", "Value"]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks! Such a package looks exactly what we would need for Dataset. R's tidy verse is very powerful to mangle data, and there is every reason to believe that a similar package for Wolfram Language would be equally powerful. $\endgroup$
    – Stephan
    Commented Oct 3, 2020 at 23:04
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Stephan Welcome! As for your comment "R's tidyverse is very powerful to mangle data [...]" -- sure, R-tydiverse is good with tabular data and collections of tabular data. General data wrangling in R is still hard (with or without RStudio's packages.) $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 4, 2020 at 15:29

Both Sjoerd's and Anton's answers work nicely. Upon Sjoerd's solution using MergeByKey from the Wolfram Function Repository, I just wanted to post here for completeness that one can find almost the same solution with Merge from the Wolfram Language:

ds = Dataset[{
  <|"Name" -> "Steven", "Born" -> 1980, "Year" -> 2017, "Score" -> 115|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Steven", "Born" -> 1980, "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 230|>,
  <|"Name" -> "Joe",    "Born" -> 1981, "Year" -> 2017, "Score" -> 70 |>,
  <|"Name" -> "Joe",    "Born" -> 1981, "Year" -> 2018, "Score" -> 300|>
ds[GroupBy["Name"], Merge[#, Identity] &][Values,
  Append[Map[First, KeyDrop[#, {"Year", "Score"}]], 
    AssociationThread["Score_" <> ToString[#] & /@ #Year, #Score]] &]

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