I have the vector V = {2, y z^2, 3 y + z}
I wanted to get a 3d parametric plot of V using: x[t] = Sin[t^2]; y[t] = t^2 - Cos[t]; z[t] = Sinh[t] - Cos[t]
. So I did:
ParametricPlot3D[{2 x, y z^2, 3 y + z}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Thick, AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}]
I am unsure what to take for the fx argument inside ParametricPlot3d as x=2 inside V. I decided to go for what I did as shown above. And I do not get a graph at all.
Evaluate@{2 x[t], y[t] z[t]^2, 3 y[t] + z[t]}
instead of{2 x, y z^2, 3 y + z}
? $\endgroup$Block[{x = Sin[t^2], y = t^2 - Cos[t], z = Sinh[t] - Cos[t], V = {2 x, y z^2, 3 y + z}}, ParametricPlot3D[V, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Thick, AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}]]