
I have this function

f := 1024 (1 - (9 x^2)/4)^2 Cosh[(π x)/
    3]^2 Sinh[π x]^2 (8 (16 - 216 x^2 + 
        81 x^4 + (4 + 9 x^2)^2 Cosh[(2 π x)/3]) Sinh[π x]^2 - 
     1/256 ((4 + 9 x^2)^2 Sinh[x (2 π - y)] + 
        2 (64 - 144 x^2 + (4 + 9 x^2)^2 Cosh[(2 π x)/3]) Sinh[
          x y] - 9 (4 - 3 x^2)^2 Sinh[x (2 π + y)])^2);

I want to see in what range of variables, this function is negative. Using RegionPlot

RegionPlot[ f < 0, {y, 2, 2.25}, {x, 1.15, 1.17}, 
 WorkingPrecision -> 30, PlotPoints -> 50]

I obtain this plot

enter image description here

Then, when I diminish the ranges as

 f < 0, {y, Rationalize[2.1299849, 0], Rationalize[2.1299855, 0]}, {x,
   Rationalize[1.15970110, 0], Rationalize[1.15970113, 0]}, 
 WorkingPrecision -> 90, PlotPoints -> 150]

I obtain

enter image description here

Here, it is not clear if the blue parts touch or not. How can I go more into detail to see whether the blue part is continuous or not?


2 Answers 2


Simplest plotting solution

 {y, Rationalize[2.1299849, 0],  Rationalize[2.1299855, 0]},
 {x, Rationalize[1.15970110, 0], Rationalize[1.15970113, 0]},
 ContourShading ->
  {RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798, 0.4], None},
 Contours -> {{0}},
 PlotPoints -> 25, WorkingPrecision -> 32,
 Method -> {"TransparentPolygonMesh" -> True}

But plots are not always very convincing, being designed to give only a rough idea of what is going on.

Analytic solution

As I showed in this answer to a similar question, we can analytically show there's a node:

jac = D[f, {{x, y}}];
cpsol = FindRoot[jac == {0, 0}, {{x, 1.15}, {y, 2.13}}, 
   WorkingPrecision -> 50];
cpt = {x, y} /. cpsol
f /. cpsol      (* shows cpt is on curve *)
f /. N[cpsol]   (* show numerical noise at cpt is substantial *)

Taming RegionPlot

RegionPlot has been evolving since the introduction of Region functionality. RegionPlot seems to use this functionality to generate the plot, and it ignores the WorkingPrecision option, which is evident from the numerical noise. I believe the region functionality is based on the FEM functionality, which is available only in machine precision. (Similarly, the option MaxRecursion seems defunct.)

Here is a way to sieze control of the working precision:

fff[x0_Real, y0_Real] := 
  Block[{x = SetPrecision[x0, Infinity], 
    y = SetPrecision[y0, Infinity]},
    1024 (1 - (9 x^2)/4)^2 Cosh[(π x)/
        3]^2 Sinh[π x]^2 (8 (16 - 216 x^2 + 
          81 x^4 + (4 + 9 x^2)^2 Cosh[(2 π x)/
             3]) Sinh[π x]^2 - 
       1/256 ((4 + 9 x^2)^2 Sinh[x (2 π - y)] + 
           2 (64 - 144 x^2 + (4 + 9 x^2)^2 Cosh[(2 π x)/3]) Sinh[
             x y] - 9 (4 - 3 x^2)^2 Sinh[x (2 π + y)])^2),

 fff[x, y] < 0,
 {y, Rationalize[2.1299849, 0],  Rationalize[2.1299855, 0]},
 {x, Rationalize[1.15970110, 0], Rationalize[1.15970113, 0]},
 PlotPoints -> 100]

But one swallow does not a summer make.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for your help. I have another question. When we put the obtained roots in the equation, then, the result must essentially be zero times a negative power of ten? OR if gives a positive number times a negative power of ten, it is also verified that there exist a root? $\endgroup$
    – user73730
    Commented Aug 17, 2020 at 22:15
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ The result 0.*10^-36 is a zero calculated with arbitrary-precision numbers. It represents a quantity $y$ such that $|y| < 10^{-36}$. So there is some uncertainty in the result but it is very small. You can increase the WorkingPrecision by 100 and the uncertainty will decrease to $10^{-136}$, exactly one orders of magnitude less, evidence that we found a zero. There is always uncertainty when using approximate numbers, so it cannot be proved to be zero by such means (proved in a mathematical sense).... $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Aug 17, 2020 at 22:54
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @Sasha1988 ...OTOH, if the result obtained with arbitrary precision is nonzero, it means that the result is very probably nonzero. If you double the WorkingPrecision and the result is the same, it almost certainly is not zero (again, there is always uncertainty with numerical methods). When an arbitrary-precision number is displayed as nonzero, it means the uncertainty due to round-off error is less than the magnitude of the number. HTH $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Aug 17, 2020 at 23:01

Since you are interested in whether the two regions meet, you can also use ContourPlot, which appears to be a bit more stable:

ContourPlot[f == 0, {y, 2.1299849, 2.1299855}, {x, 1.15970110, 1.15970113}, 
    WorkingPrecision -> 40, MaxRecursion -> 6]

enter image description here


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