Consider the case where I have two $k$-chromatic graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$, i.e. two graphs where individual vertices can be colored with one of a set of $k$ total colors, and I would like to determine if the two graphs are equivalent while respecting vertex coloration. Is there a way to do this in Mathematica 8 or 9? If so, is there a known computational complexity for the algorithm being employed?
2 Answers
To avoid any misconstruction of this answer, let's begin with a clarification of the question. A $k$-coloring of a graph $\gamma$ is a map from its vertices $V(\gamma)$ into a set of cardinality $k$. Let's say that two $k$-colorings $f_1:\gamma\to K_1$ and $f_2:\gamma\to K_2$ of a given graph $\gamma$ are equivalent when there exists a bijection $g:K_1\to K_2$ for which $g\circ f_1 = f_2$: that is, $g$ merely renames the "colors."
Let $f_1:\gamma_1\to K_1$ and $f_2:\gamma_2\to K_2$ be two $k$-colored graphs. Any map $F$ from the vertices of $\gamma_1$ to the vertices of $\gamma_2$ creates a new $k$-coloring of $\gamma_1$ from the $k$-coloring of $\gamma_2$, called $F^*f_2$, via
$$F^*f_2(v) = f_2(F(v)).$$
This new coloring simply colors the vertices of $\gamma_1$ according to the colors of their images in $\gamma_2$.
The question seems to intend that two such $k$-colorings are "equivalent" when there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices of these graphs, $F: V(\gamma_1)\to V(\gamma_2)$, which is at once a graph isomorphism and for which $F^*f_2$ is equivalent to $f_1$. In other words, there is an isomorphism of the graphs which creates the same coloring after a possible renaming of the colors: we do not demand that the colors be identical, vertex for vertex.
The purpose of this answer is to point out that such an isomorphism can be found with algorithms that apply to uncolored graphs (enabling application of Mathematica's FindGraphIsomorphism
command). It is based on the following construction. Suppose $f:\gamma\to K$ is a graph coloring and that the elements of $K$ are not among the vertices of $f$. For future use, take another set $K'$ which contains no vertices of $\gamma$ or elements of $K$. (Usually $K'$ will be empty.) Form the union of $\gamma$ and the universal graph on $K \cup K'$. To it adjoin all edges given by $f$: that is, whenever $v$ is a vertex of $\gamma$, make $(v, f(v))$ an edge in this union.
Call the result of this construction $\gamma \otimes_f(K\cup K')$. The point is this:
$f_1:\gamma_1\to K_1$ is equivalent to $f_2:\gamma_2\to K_2$ if and only if there exists a "suitable" $K'$ such that $\gamma_1\otimes_{f_1}(K_1\cup K')$ is isomorphic to $\gamma_2\otimes_{f_2}(K_2\cup K')$.
The implication (equivalence implies isomorphism) follows immediately from the definitions for any $K'$. Its inverse (isomorphism implies equivalence) follows from observing that we can always choose $K'$ sufficiently large to assure that the degrees of all the vertices coming from $K\cup K'$ in this graph differ from the degrees of any of the vertices coming from $\gamma_1$ or $\gamma_2$. Thus, any isomorphism must separately be an isomorphism of the universal graph on $K_1\cup K'$ with the universal graph on $K_2\cup K'$--which is merely a permutation of their vertices--and an isomorphism of $\gamma_1$ with $\gamma_2$. At the same time, any edge from $\gamma_1$ to $K_1$ gets mapped to an edge from $\gamma_2$ to $K_2$: this gives the desired equivalence of colorings. (Because the focus on this site is on the Mathematica solution, I leave the details to interested readers.)
Consider these three graphs, $\gamma_1$, $\gamma_2,$ and $\gamma_3$:
All three are mutually isomorphic as graphs. It is visually evident that the first two colorings are not equivalent, because each pair of colors in the left graph $\gamma_1$ is diametrically opposite whereas that is not the case in the other two graphs. It is almost as clear that the last two graphs are equivalent: a counterclockwise rotation by $2\pi/3$ and a relabeling of the colors (green->blue, red->green, blue->red) will do it.
To address the question of the equivalence of their colorings, which can be construed as $k$-colorings for any $k\ge 3$, we form the augmented graphs $\gamma_i \otimes_{f_i}(K_i)$ (because $K'$ can be empty in this case) using GraphUnion
and EdgeAdd
In this figure, smaller vertices indicate those coming from the original graphs and the large vertices come from the $K_i$. Because each element of $K_i$ is a color, I have accordingly colored each large vertex to display its own color. Notice how this works: even had I left the smaller vertices not visibly colored, you could recover the original colorings just by noting which of the three large colored vertices each original vertex is connected to. This shows how any coloring can be encoded within an uncolored graph. (You can also partially distinguish the original vertices from the color vertices: the latter all have very high degrees, equal to $4$ in this case. In general, a color vertex $c$--that is, one coming from $K$--has a degree equal to $k + k' - 1$ plus the number of vertices of $\gamma$ having color $c$; $k'$ is the cardinality of $K'$.)
Specifically, these graphs can be recreated with the following vertices and edges:
v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, blue, green, red};
e1 = {ue[1, 2], ue[2, 3], ue[3, 4], ue[4, 5], ue[5, 6], ue[6, 1],
ue[blue, green], ue[blue, red], ue[green, red], ue[1, red],
ue[2, green], ue[3, blue], ue[4, red], ue[5, green], ue[6, blue]};
e2 = {ue[1, 2], ue[2, 3], ue[3, 4], ue[4, 5], ue[5, 6], ue[6, 1],
ue[blue, green], ue[blue, red], ue[green, red], ue[1, red],
ue[2, green], ue[3, red], ue[4, blue], ue[5, green], ue[6, blue]};
e3 = {ue[1, 2], ue[2, 3], ue[3, 4], ue[4, 5], ue[5, 6], ue[6, 1],
ue[blue, green], ue[blue, red], ue[green, red], ue[1, red],
ue[2, green], ue[3, blue], ue[4, green], ue[5, red], ue[6, blue]};
g1 = Graph[v, e1 /. ue -> UndirectedEdge];
g2 = Graph[v, e2 /. ue -> UndirectedEdge];
g3 = Graph[v, e3 /. ue -> UndirectedEdge];
Now we merely inquire whether they are isomorphic as graphs:
As we already figured out, the first two graphs are not equivalent.
FindGraphIsomorphism[g3, g2]
$\{1\to 1,2\to 6,3\to 5,4\to 4,5\to 3,6\to 2,\text{blue}\to \text{green},\text{green}\to \text{blue},\text{red}\to \text{red}\}$
Notice how--as claimed--the isomorphism explicitly gives an isomorphism of the original vertices $\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$ as well as a permutation of the colors. (This is not the same isomorphism I described originally: Mathematica found a different one.)
Evidently, creating these augmented graphs adds little computational burden when $k$ is small: the number of vertices is typically increased from $n$ to $n+k$ and the number of edges is increased by $n + (k+k')(k+k-1)/2$. Unless the graphs have some vertices of very high degree, $K'$ will be empty (so $k'=0$), indicating that the increase in the number of edges is relatively small. Only when $k$ is large compared to $n$ will this approach potentially become unwieldy.
I am reluctant to provide general-purpose code for this solution because the question does not specify how the coloring of the graph will be represented in Mathematica, but I hope the analysis makes it clear how to proceed.
2$\begingroup$ I think this may be equivalent to what you do but stated somewhat differently. (1) For each color, add one new vertex (call these the "color" vertices). Connect it to every other vertex of that same color. (2) Connect each of these new vertices to one another. (3) If
is the maximal number of edges of any vertex in the original graph, andk
the number of colors, then add (say)r-k
further vertices and connect each only to thek
newly added color vertices. (4) See if the new graphs are isomorphic. If so, recover an isomorphism of the original graphs. If not, they were not isomorphic. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 8, 2013 at 16:15 -
1$\begingroup$ (Almost forgot to upvote your answer. Also I agree your interpretation of the problem is the likely on, so mine was off target.) That said, I feel strangely compelled to add...if what I wrote in a prior comment is correct, then you managed to hide a really neat approach inside a serious jungle of notation. (But maybe what I wrote wasn't any improvement..) $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 8, 2013 at 16:20
$\begingroup$ @Daniel That's how I understand it too. Step (3) is meant to ensure that the colour-coding vertices won't be mapped to any true graph vertices when looking for isomorphisms. Another way to ensure this, when working with undirected graphs, would be to convert them to a directed graph. Each original edge would map to two directed edges (one in each direction), but the colour-coding vertices would be connected with only one, single-direction edge. $\endgroup$– SzabolcsCommented Apr 8, 2013 at 16:43
$\begingroup$ I'm wondering if step (3) is detrimental to efficiency. It seems it would introduce more symmetries (automorphisms) than necessary, and these would slow down
. $\endgroup$– SzabolcsCommented Apr 8, 2013 at 16:45 -
$\begingroup$ @Daniel I felt the notation was necessary to clarify the question. After introducing it, I gradually abandoned it whenever such detail was no longer needed. I believe your first comment is correct. $\endgroup$– whuberCommented Apr 8, 2013 at 17:02
You can use this package to call igraph through RLink. igraph can test the isomoprhism of coloured graphs (either edge or vertex colouring).
Note: igraph's interpretation of isomorphism with colouring is different from @whuber's above. It does not allow "renaming" of the colours.
Let's look at an example. With colour renaming (i.e. distinct but indistinguishable colours), the following graphs are isomorphic:
If we do not allow colour renaming, like igraph, then they are not. But the following two still are:
Let's build the same graphs that @whuber had:
g = CycleGraph[6]
col1 = {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3}
col2 = {2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3}
col3 = {3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1}
The three vectors col1
, col2
and col3
represent the three colourings.
Now simply use
In[30]:= IGraph["graph.isomorphic.vf2"][g, g, col1, col2]
Out[30]= RObject[{{True}, {2., 1., 6., 5., 4., 3.}, {2., 1., 6., 5., 4., 3.}},
RAttributes["names" :> {"iso", "map12", "map21"}]]
In[31]:= IGraph["graph.isomorphic.vf2"][g, g, col1, col3]
Out[31]= RObject[{{False}, {}, {}},
RAttributes["names" :> {"iso", "map12", "map21"}]]
On this cycle graph, the colourings col1
and col2
are isomorphic, but col1
and col3
are not.
Note that igraph will give one possible mapping as well, when it exists.
Alternatively, use the much better integrated IGraph/M package:
With the VF2 algorithm:
IGVF2IsomorphicQ[{g, "VertexColors" -> col1}, {g, "VertexColors" -> col2}]
(* True *)
IGVF2IsomorphicQ[{g, "VertexColors" -> col1}, {g, "VertexColors" -> col3}]
(* False *)
With the Bliss algorithm:
IGBlissIsomorphicQ[{g, "VertexColors" -> col1}, {g, "VertexColors" -> col2}]
(* True *)
IGBlissIsomorphicQ[{g, "VertexColors" -> col1}, {g, "VertexColors" -> col3}]
(* False *)
We can also get the automorphism group of the coloured graphs as
PermutationGroup@IGBlissAutomorphismGroup[{g, "VertexColors" -> col1}]
(* PermutationGroup[{{4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3}}] *)
(* 2 *)
(* {Cycles[{}], Cycles[{{1, 4}, {2, 5}, {3, 6}}]} *)
handle weighted graphs? If so, assign to each color a distinct prime, and the weight of an edge the product of the vertex numbers. If not, you could expand the graph by making p vertices for every vertex assigned the prime p, and connecting each to every family of vertices coming from neighbors of the original. $\endgroup$IsomorphicGraphQ
ignores them. $\endgroup$