I was given audio with white Gaussian noise and i have to implement two types of filter: Rectangle and Triangle that filter out redundant frequencies and reduce the amount of noise
Here is the code for the audio with the noise
Print["Original File:"]
suite = Import["bach_suite_cello.mp3"]
suite // Options;
samples = AudioData[AudioTrim[suite, {2, 13}]][[1]];
Print["44k Sampling:"]
samples44k = Audio[samples, SampleRate -> 44100]
audioData44k = Flatten[AudioData[samples44k]];
samples44kWithNoise = audioData44k + RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 0.1], Length[audioData44k]];
audioWithNoise = Audio[samples44kWithNoise]
Here's a link to the original audio bach suite cello.
So i want to filter out the noise using Rectangle and Triangle filters
Thanks for all those who help