2D envelopes
One approach to get what OP wants is described in the posts
Here is code following the latter post.
data = Import["~/data.txt", "CSV"];
Find a threshold for what are considered outliers:
qreg = QuantileEnvelopeRegion[data, 0.98, 20];
Show[{Graphics[{Opacity[0.02], Point[data]}, PlotRange -> All],
Graphics[{Opacity[0.02], Red, Point[data]}]}, Frame -> True,
ImageSize -> 500]
Next we separate the outlier points from the rest:
rmFunc = RegionMember[qreg];
AbsoluteTiming[pred = rmFunc /@ data;]
(* {3.89161, Null} *)
(* {{True, 91123}, {False, 13330}} *)
Graphics[{Gray, Point[Pick[data, pred]], Red,
Point[Pick[data, Not /@ pred]]}, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> 500]
Note that some high count points are considered outliers. A more faithful algorithm can be devised using Quantile Regression.
Quantile regression
First we reverse a 10% sample of the data:
data2 = Map[Reverse, RandomSample[data, 10000]];
Next we select outlier thresholds and find regression quantiles:
qs = {0.1, 0.9};
qFuncs = QuantileRegression[data2, 20, qs];
(* {24.8839, Null} *)
Plot the transposed data sample and the found regression quantiles:
Graphics[{Opacity[0.2], Pink, Point[data2]}, PlotRange -> All],
Table[{#, rq[#]} & /@ Sort[data2[[All, 1]]], {rq, qFuncs}],
PlotLegends -> qs]
}, Frame -> True]
As in the 2D envelope procedure above, find the separation predicate:
pred2 = Map[#[[2]] >= qFuncs[[1]][#[[1]]] && #[[2]] <=
qFuncs[[2]][#[[1]]] &, Reverse /@ data];
(* {23.2092, Null} *)
(* {{True, 83680}, {False, 20773}} *)
Plot the outlier (low counts) points and the rest:
Graphics[{Gray, Point[Pick[data, pred2]], Red,
Point[Pick[data, Not /@ pred2]]}, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> 500]