Is there any way to define the matrix M
that achieves the following equation?
the two defined matrices are
{{(ω1 + ω4) / Sqrt[2]},
{(μ ω2 + ω3) / Sqrt[2]},
{(-μ ω2 + ω3) / Sqrt[2]},
{(-ω1 + ω4) / Sqrt[2]}}
{{ω1}, {ω2}, {ω3}, {ω4}}
Is there any way to define the matrix M
that achieves the following equation?
the two defined matrices are
{{(ω1 + ω4) / Sqrt[2]},
{(μ ω2 + ω3) / Sqrt[2]},
{(-μ ω2 + ω3) / Sqrt[2]},
{(-ω1 + ω4) / Sqrt[2]}}
{{ω1}, {ω2}, {ω3}, {ω4}}
tt = {{(ω1 + ω4)/Sqrt[2]},
{(μ ω2 + ω3)/Sqrt[2]},
{(-μ ω2 + ω3)/Sqrt[2]},
{(-ω1 + ω4)/Sqrt[2]}} // Flatten
mat =Last@ CoefficientArrays[tt, {ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4}] // Normal
mat. {ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4} - tt // Simplify
works very well for this:
m1 = Normal[Last[CoefficientArrays[{(ω1 + ω4)/Sqrt[2], (μ ω2 + ω3)/Sqrt[2],
(-μ ω2 + ω3)/Sqrt[2], (-ω1 + ω4)/Sqrt[2]},
{ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4}]]]
{{1/Sqrt[2], 0, 0, 1/Sqrt[2]}, {0, μ/Sqrt[2], 1/Sqrt[2], 0},
{0, -(μ/Sqrt[2]), 1/Sqrt[2], 0}, {-(1/Sqrt[2]), 0, 0, 1/Sqrt[2]}}
Note how I used vectors instead of column matrices.
m1.{ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4} - {(ω1 + ω4)/Sqrt[2], (μ ω2 + ω3)/Sqrt[2],
(-μ ω2 + ω3)/Sqrt[2], (-ω1 + ω4)/Sqrt[2]}
{0, 0, 0, 0}