How can I solve $\left(\vec{v}\cdot\nabla\right)\vec{v}=-g\hat{z}-\nabla p$ numerically for $p(r,\theta,z)$ given an explicit $\vec{v}(r,z)$ and $p(r_0,\theta,z)=g z$?
I have a PDE which I would like to solve but I am having a lot of difficulty. It's a relatively simple looking equation I'd like to solve for $p$
\left(\vec{v}\cdot\nabla\right)\vec{v}=-g\hat{z}-\nabla p
$g$ is a constant while $\vec{v}$ and $p$ are best handled in cylindrical coordinates, $\{r,\theta,z\}$, as $\partial_\theta p=\partial_\theta \vec{v}=0$ and $\vec{v}\cdot\hat{r}=\vec{v}\cdot\hat{z}=0$. I know that for a given $r_0$ I have $p(r_0,\theta,z)=g z$. I have two different $\vec{v}$s I'd like to solve this for. One is quite simple and can be done analytically with DSolve
, this worked well. The other $\vec{v}$ is an infinite sum of Bessel functions which Mathematica cannot handle so I want to solve this numerically.
I have attempted to do this in operator form as well as in component form but I cannot seem to get Mathematica to do it. Here's an example $\vec{v}$, the actual expression is much uglier.
v[r_, z_, nmax_] := {0, Sum[(BesselI[1, (2 n - 1) r] + BesselK[1, (2 n - 1) r]) Sin[(2 n - 1) z], {n, 1, nmax}], 0};
Operator method:
If I try to solve this in operator form I have problems.
diffEq[nmax_] := N@Block[{g = {0,0,1},
diff = (v[r, z, nmax].Inactive[Grad][#, {r, t, z},"Cylindrical"]) &@v[r, z, nmax]},
Inactive[Grad][p[r, t, z], {r, t, z},"Cylindrical"] == (-diff - g)]
NDSolve[{diffEq[2], DirichletCondition[p[r, t, z] == z, r == 2]}, p, {r, 1, 2}, {z, 1, 2}, {t, 1, 2}]
bc[r0_] = DirichletCondition[p[r, t, z] == z, r == r0];
Gives me an error
Inactive::argrx: Inactive[Grad] called with 3 arguments; 2 arguments are expected.
Which shouldn't be right, this seems like a problem with Mathematica. But no matter, I don't really care about $\theta$ and the Cartesian gradient works the same for $r$ and $z$ so we try
diffEq[nmax_] := N@Block[{g = {0,0,1},
diff = (v[r, z, nmax].Inactive[Grad][#, {r, t, z}]) &@v[r, z, nmax]},
Inactive[Grad][p[r, t, z], {r, t, z}] == (-diff - g)]
NDSolve[{diffEq[2], bc[2]}, p, {r, 1, 2}, {z, 1, 2}, {t, 1, 2}]
And I get
NDSolve::femper: PDE parsing error of ... Inconsistent equation dimensions.
Which seems to be Mathematica complaining that the LHS is a single operator expression while the RHS is a list because $g\hat{z}$ is a vector? This happens whether or not I include the boundary condition. I found this question which wasn't very helpful. How can this be overcome?
Component method:
I also tried to evaluate the gradients and solve the resulting system.
NDSolve[Flatten[{Activate@diffEq[1],bc[2]}], p, {r, 1, 2}, {z, 1, 2}, {t, 1, 2}]
NDSolve::overdet: There are fewer dependent variables, {p[r,t,z]}, than equations, so the system is overdetermined.
Which kind of makes sense because I have three equations for 1 unknown, but it's really not overdetermined. This happens whether or not I include the boundary condition. I can drop the equation for $\theta$ (aka t
) since it's trivial.
diffEq[nmax_] := Block[{g = {0, 0, 1},
diff = (v[r, z, nmax].Grad[#, {r, t, z}]) &@v[r, z, nmax]},
Grad[p[r, z], {r, t, z}] == (-diff - g)]
NDSolve[(Activate@diffEq[1])[[All, {1, 3}]], p, {r, 1, 2}, {z, 1, 2}]
Still throws the same error as expected but
DSolve[(Activate@diffEq[1])[[All, {1, 3}]], p, {r, 1, 2}, {z, 1, 2}]
Works fine and gives the solution (although this doesn't actually work because I need diffEq[n]
where n
is bigger than 1). So what gives? Why does NDSolve
refuse to even try something that DSolve
can handle without complaint?
Any or all of the following
- Working code to solve my PDE
- Insight into what I'm doing wrong
- Tips, tricks or hacks when dealing with PDE's in Mathematica
. For 3) have a look at the FEMDocumentation $\endgroup$