I am trying to solve the eigenvalues of a hamiltonian
The code I used is typed below.
t = 0.1;
h = {{0, (-t)*(1 + Exp[(-I)*ky]), 0}, {0, 0, (-t)*(1 + Exp[I*kx])}, {0, 0, 0}};
ham = h + Assuming[{Element[kx, Reals], Element[ky, Reals]}, Refine[ConjugateTranspose[h]]];
FullSimplify[Eigenvalues[ham], Assumptions -> Element[{kx, ky}, Reals]]
The Eigenvalues
gives an undesired complex number (which should be elminated inside and outside the square root)
How can I elminate the undesired complex number?
Thank you in advance!
to simplify your last result. $\endgroup$