Here is a wrapper for NonlinearModelFit
that handles data with a known correlation matrix:
covariantFit1::usage = "Wrapper for NonlinearModelFit that \
includes a covariance matrix. It does not handle the simple \
data format or handle constraints. It is computationally \
inefficient since it evaluates \"form\" n^2 times for every \
step, where n is the number of data points. Some methods \
associated with the fit function itself will not work.";
Options[covariantFit1] = FilterRules[Options[NonlinearModelFit],
covariantFit1[cov_, data_?MatrixQ, Except[_List, form_], pars_,
vars_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Block[{err2, oo, ii, transform, ff},
{err2, oo} = Eigensystem[cov];
transform =
oo.Map[(form/.MapThread[Rule, {vars, Drop[#, -1]}]) &, data];
ff = NonlinearModelFit[oo.Map[Last, data] ,
(* Expand the variable transform,
but don't take the part unless it is numeric. *)
If[ii > 0, #[[ii]]] &[transform], pars, ii,
VarianceEstimatorFunction->(1&), Weights->1/err2, opts];
ff["chiSquared"] = Block[{x=ff["FitResiduals"]},x.(x/err2)];
ff["BestFit"] = form/.ff["BestFitParameters"];
ff["Function"] = Function[Evaluate[
MapIndexed[Rule[#1, Apply[Slot, {#2[[1]]}]]&, vars]]]];
Here is some example code to try it out:
func = Function[x, c0 Exp[-c1*Norm[x] - c2*x.x]];
values = {c0 -> 1.0, c1 -> -2.5, c2 -> 0.8};
basis = Table[{x}, {x, 1, 4, 0.5}];
cov = Outer[(0.2*(1.01*Exp[-Norm[#1 - #2]^2/4.0] - 0.01)) &,
basis, basis, 1];
data = MapThread[Append, {basis,
RandomVariate[MultinormalDistribution[cov]] +
Map[func, basis] /. values}];
ff1 = covariantFit1[cov, data, func[{x}],
{{c0, 1.0}, {c1, -2}, {c2, 0.75}}, {x}];
Print[Row[{"chi^2:", ff1["chiSquared"], "for", Length[data] -
Length[ff1["BestFitParameters"]], "d.o.f."}, " "]];
And plot the result (note that ff1[x]
won't work):
Show[ErrorListPlot[MapThread[{#1, ErrorBar[Sqrt[#2]]} &,
{data, Diagonal[cov]}], PlotRange -> All],
Plot[{ff1["Function"][x], func[{x}]/.values},
{x, 0, 5}]]
Here is a fancier version on GitHub: covariant-fit.m. It also includes a more efficient version covariantFit2
which calls FindMinimum