
I have the following code:

names = {"Gly", "Ala", "Ser", "Pro",  "Val", "Thr", "Cys", "Leu/Ile", 
   "Asn", "Asp/isoAsp", "Gln", "Lys", "Glu", "Met", "His", "Phe", 
   "Arg", "Tyr", "Trp", "4-hydroxyPro", "5-hydroxyLys", 
   "6-N-methylLys", "\[Gamma]-carboxyGlu", "selenoCys", "phosphoSer", 
   "phosphoThr", "phosphoTyr", "\[Sigma]-N-methylArg", 
   "6-N-acetylLys", "Glu \[Gamma]-methyl ester", "Ornithine", 
   "Citrulline", "3-methylHis", "N,N,N-trimethylLys", "N-acetylAla", 
   "3-sulfinoAla", "N-acetylCys", "pyroGlu", "N-acetylGly", 
   "Met sulfoxide", "Met sulfone", "N-acetylSer", "N-acetylThr", 
   "Kynurenine", "Tyr O-sulfate"};
list = {57.0215, 71.0371, 87.0320, 97.0528, 99.0684, 101.0477, 
   103.0092, 113.0841, 114.0429, 115.0269, 128.0586, 128.0950, 
   129.0426, 131.0405, 137.0589, 147.0684, 156.1011, 163.0633, 
   186.0793, 113.048, 144.089, 142.110, 173.032, 150.954, 166.998, 
   181.014, 243.029, 170.116, 170.105, 143.058, 114.079, 157.085, 
   151.074, 170.141, 113.047, 134.999, 145.019, 111.032, 99.032, 
   147.035, 163.030, 129.042, 143.058, 190.047, 243.020};
subsets = 
  Select[Subsets[list, {3}], 344.160 <= Total[#] <= 344.163 &]

which produces the expression:

{{71.0371, 103.009, 170.116}}

To display the parts of this expression as their names, I'm using:

seqNam = names[[Position[list, subsets[[1]][[1]]] [[1]][[1]]]]
seqNam = names[[Position[list, subsets[[1]][[2]]] [[1]][[1]]]] 
seqNam = names[[Position[list, subsets[[1]][[3]]] [[1]][[1]]]]

but I would like do display all parts as one line of output, and I don't know how. Any help would be appreciated!

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ names[[Position[list, #][[1, 1]]]] & /@ subsets[[1]] $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Nov 27, 2019 at 2:57

4 Answers 4


Another method

Pick[names, Thread[list == #]] & /@ subsets[[1]] // Flatten

{"Ala", "Cys", "σ-N-methylArg"}


Given names and list as you have defined them. I would add Flatten your definition of subsets to simplify retrieval. Like so:

subsets =
 DeleteDuplicates @
   Select[Subsets[list, {3}], 344.160 <= Total[#] <= 344.163 &] // Flatten

{71.0371, 103.009, 170.116}

Also, because Position is designed to used with Extract, one way to get the names is:

Extract[names, Position[list, #]] & /@ subsets // Flatten

{"Ala", "Cys", "σ-N-methylArg"}

However, if you are going to doing this kind of lookup a lot, I reccomend making a dictionary (an Association) and doing the lookup with the buit-in function Lookup, which gives very readable code.

dictionary = AssociationThread[list, names];
Lookup[dictionary, subsets]

{"Ala", "Cys", "σ-N-methylArg"}


You may make use of Association with the names as keys and list as values.

rules = Thread[names -> list];
Select[Association @@@ Subsets[rules, {3}], 344.160 <= Total[#] <= 344.163 &]
{<|"Ala" -> 71.0371, "Cys" -> 103.009, "σ-N-methylArg" -> 170.116|>}
Select[Association @@@ Subsets[rules, {2}], 103.4 <= Total[#] <= 144.8 &]
{<|"Gly" -> 57.0215, "Ala" -> 71.0371|>, <|"Gly" -> 57.0215, "Ser" -> 87.032|>}

Hope this helps.

Pick[names, list, Alternatives @@ subsets[[1]]]
 {"Ala", "Cys", "σ-N-methylArg"}

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