I am not very experienced with Mathematica. I want to calculate the series from recurrence solutions. These solutions have no closed-form. I want to improve the approximation and hence need a good number of terms. I know I can use RecurrenceTable command in Mathematica, but it is not computational efficient(calculations are going on from 2 days). I know this is because of the reason that every-time it has to calculate one new term, it has to go for all the previous terms.
The function looks like:
$$\text{RecurrenceTable}\left[\left\{p(n+1)=\frac{2 \beta p(n)+2 p(n-1)-\alpha q(n)}{n+1},q(n+1)=\frac{\alpha p(n)+2 \beta q(n)+2 q(n-1)}{n},p(0)=-\frac{2 \beta }{\alpha },p(1)=\frac{\alpha ^2+4 \beta ^2}{\alpha },q(0)=-1,q(1)=0\right\},\{p(n),q(n)\},\{n,0,100\}\right] $$
I want to know what would be the best way to calculate the same.