Formula for roots of trinomial $\displaystyle z^m-az^n-1$ with definite integration from paper Лахтинъ, “Выраженiе корней трехчленнаго алгебраическаго уравненiя посредствомъ опредѣленныхъ интеграловъ” (1890):
$\displaystyle z_j=e^{2j\pi i/m}+\frac{1}{2\pi i}\left(e^{(2j+1)\pi i/m}\int_0^\infty log\left(1+a\frac{t^n}{1+t^m}e^{(2j+1)\pi in/m}\right)dt \\- e^{(2j-1)\pi i/m}\int_0^\infty log\left(1+a\frac{t^n}{1+t^m}e^{(2j-1)\pi in/m}\right)dt\right)$
where natural $m>n>0$, $j=0,1,...m-1$ and $a$ is natural.
Formula work perfect for any $a,m$ and even $n$, but for odd $n$ there is an error in two roots.
Example code:
a = 7; m = 5; n = 1;
Print["\nEquation: z^", m, " - ", a, "*z^", n, " - 1 = 0\n"];
Print["Ordinary solution:"];
Print[z /. (z^m - a z^n - 1 // NSolve), "\n"];
Print["Solution with definite integration:"];
S = Table[
Exp[2 j Pi I/m] +
1/(2 Pi I) (Exp[(2 j + 1) Pi I/m]*
Log[1 + a t^n/(1 + t^m) Exp[(2 j + 1) Pi I n/m]], {t, 0,
Infinity}] -
Exp[(2 j - 1) Pi I/m]*
Log[1 + a t^n/(1 + t^m) Exp[(2 j - 1) Pi I n/m]], {t, 0,
{j, 0, m - 1}
Equation: z^5 - 7*z^1 - 1 = 0
Ordinary solution:
{-1.58871,-0.142866,0.0355442 -1.62852 I,0.0355442 +1.62852 I,1.66049}
Solution with definite integration:
NIntegrate::ncvb: NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 9 recursive bisections in t near {t} = {1.58596}. NIntegrate obtained -0.71867+4.5404 I and 0.009643094017453568` for the integral and error estimates.
NIntegrate::ncvb: NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 9 recursive bisections in t near {t} = {1.58596}. NIntegrate obtained -0.71867+4.5404 I and 0.009643094017453568` for the integral and error estimates.
{1.66049 +0. I,0.0355442 +1.62852 I,-1.58841+0.0000544415 I,-0.143161-0.0000544415 I,0.0355442 -1.62852 I}
If it is inaccuracy of numerical integration, then which parameters of NIntegrate need use for more correct integration?