I would like to evaluate the following integral. I suspect it just doesn't have an analytic form but thought I'd check to see if there's anything I'm missing,
$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mathcal{N}(z;\mu,\sigma) \int_{z-a}^{z+a} \mathcal{N}(x;\mu,\sigma) \mathrm{d}x \mathrm{d}z.$
The reason for doing so is to determine $Pr(|x-z| < a)$ where (both independently drawn) $x\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma)$ and $z\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma)$.
I can determine the inner integral easy enough,
Integrate[PDF[NormalDistribution[mu, sigma], x], {x, z - a, z + a}]
which yields,
1/2 (Erf[(a + z - mu)/(Sqrt[2] sigma)] + Erf[(a - z + mu)/(Sqrt[2] sigma)])
Attempting to do the full integral using this intermediate expression results in returning unevaluated, however,
Integrate[1/2 (Erf[(a + z - mu)/(Sqrt[2] sigma)] + Erf[(a - z + mu)/(Sqrt[2] sigma)])
PDF[NormalDistribution[mu, sigma], z], {z, -\[Infinity], \[Infinity]}]
Anyone got any idea on tricks to perform this integral?
Failing that, does anyone have any ideas for how to approximate it?