I have the following equations
Subscript[NE, t] == Subscript[X, t]/(γ*σ^2)
Subscript[NF, t] == (Subscript[D, t] - (T - t - 1)*γ*σ^2*Q - Subscript[P,t])/(γ*σ^2)
uf == 1 - ue
Q == ue*Subscript[NE, t] + uf*Subscript[NF, t]
I would like to solve for Subscript[P,t]
When I use the Reduce function I get the following output:
ue + uf == 1 &&
Q == ue Subscript[NE, t] +
uf Subscript[NF,
t] && ((γ σ != 0 && Subscript[NE, t] == 0 &&
Subscript[X, t] ==
0) || (σ Subscript[NE, t] Subscript[X, t] !=
0 && γ == Subscript[X,
t]/(σ^2 Subscript[NE, t]))) &&
Subscript[P, t] ==
t] + γ σ^2 (Q (1 + t - T) - Subscript[NF, t])
Which is not the correct solution.
When I try using the Solve function I get an empty output. What am I doing wrong? Are Reduce and Solve not correct to use here?