Good day! I want that with the following code it is possible to enter the minimum and maximum range of the variables x and y, but when running it the following error appears:
Limiting value uMin in {x,uMin,uMax} is not a machine-sized real \ number.
Panel[Manipulate[tick; Dynamic[b = 8]; Dynamic[c = 4];
Dynamic[uMin = -5]; Dynamic[uMax = 5];
KFigE = Dynamic[
Plot3D[dydx /. {B -> b, C -> c}, {x, uMin, uMax}, {y, uMin,
{Style["PLOT", "Title"], SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft},
{Style["Start:", Blue, Bold, 15]},
{Style["Initial Conditions", Blue, Bold, 15]},
{Style["b", Bold, 12],
InputField[Dynamic[b], Number, Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.7],
ImageSize -> 80],
Style["uMin", Bold, 12],
InputField[Dynamic[uMin], Number,
Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.7], ImageSize -> 80]},
{Style["c", Bold, 12],
InputField[Dynamic[c], Number, Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.7],
ImageSize -> 80],
Style["uMax", Bold, 12],
InputField[Dynamic[uMax], Number,
Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.7], ImageSize -> 80]},
{Button["Do it", tick = Not[tick],
Background -> Lighter[Green, 0.5], ImageSize -> {80, 40}],
Button["Clear", {dydx = Null, b = Null, c = Null},
Background -> LightRed, ImageSize -> {80, 40}],
Export[SystemDialogInput["FileSave", "untitled"], KFigE],
Background -> LightBlue, ImageSize -> {80, 40},
Method -> "Queued"]}}, Spacings -> {2, 1}],
{{dydx, 3*(B*x + C*y), "Equation", None},
Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.7], ImageSize -> 200},
{{tick, False}, None}, TrackedSymbols :> {tick},
ControlPlacement -> Left]]
It only works when the values of uMin
and uMax
have been previously loaded.