
I would like to ask if anybody can help me to find a way around solving this problem in Mathematica. I've tried solutions I found here but they don't seem to work. I need all the help I can get. Thanks in advance!

This is my dataset:


I'm trying to find a way to fit these to the data:

{σ0, ω} = {99.7525, 2 π};
sol=ParametricNDSolveValue[{D[( 3^(1/3) g^(2/3)-2^(1/3) (-9 Sqrt[cg] σs[t]+Sqrt[12 g^2+81 cg σs[t]^2])^(2/3))/(6^(2/3) Sqrt[cg] (g (-9 Sqrt[cg] σs[t]+Sqrt[12 g^2+81 cg σs[t]^2]))^(1/3)),t]==(2 3^(1/3) η^(2/3)-2^(1/3) (Sqrt[12 η^2+81 cη (99.7525` Sin[2 π t]-σs[t])^2]-9 Sqrt[cη] (99.7525` Sin[2 π t]-σs[t]))^(2/3))/(6^(2/3) Sqrt[cη] (η (Sqrt[12 η^2+81 cη (99.7525` Sin[2 π t]-σs[t])^2]-9 Sqrt[cη] (99.7525` Sin[2 π t]-σs[t])))^(1/3)),σs[-π/ω]==σs[π/ω]},σs,{t,-π/ω,π/ω},{g,η,cg,cη}];

tmodel= g (sol + cg (sol)^3)[g, η, cg, cη][t]

and then using NonlinearModelFit

fit = NonlinearModelFit[data,tmodel,{g,η,cg,cη},t,Method->"NMinimize"]

But I always get the error

NonlinearModelFit::nrnum: The function value is not a real number at {}={}.

I hope somebody can help me with this. Thank you very much!

  • $\begingroup$ Not a solution but a start: try tmodel[g_, η_, cg_, cη_, t_] = g (sol[g, η, cg, cη][t] + cg (sol[g, η, cg, cη][t])^3) and then fit = NonlinearModelFit[data, tmodel[g, η, cg, cη, t], {g, η, cg, cη}, t, Method -> "NMinimize"]. $\endgroup$
    – Roman
    Commented May 10, 2019 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


To make this work correctly, you need to make sure that tmodel evaluates in the correct order. First the numerical values of the parameters g, η, cg, cη, t should be substituted to evaluate the ParametricFunction to a InterpolatingFunction. Then numerical values for t should be substituted. This can be achieved as follows:

tmodel[{g_, \[Eta]_, cg_, c\[Eta]_}?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] &)] := 
 tmodel[{g, \[Eta], cg, c\[Eta]}] =
    intFun = sol[g, \[Eta], cg, c\[Eta]]
   Function[t, g (intFun[t] + cg (intFun[t])^3)]

By memoizing the function tmodel, we can prevent unnecessary re-evaluations of the InterpolatingFunction. Note also that tmodel returns a Function of t.

Test the function:

tmodel[{1, 1, 1, 1}][{0, 0.5}]

{-29.9616, 40.365}

The fit is now called as follows:

fit = NonlinearModelFit[data,  tmodel[{g, \[Eta], cg, c\[Eta]}][t], 
   {g, \[Eta], cg, c\[Eta]}, t, Method -> "NMinimize"]

Unfortunately, this seems to produce a lot of errors because NonlinearModelFit tries parameter values that produce imaginary function values. The next step would be to define reasonable constraints on {g, η, cg, cη} to prevent NonlinearModelFit from venturing into the wrong regions of parameter space.


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