
I have a list,

l1 = {{a, b, 3, c}, {e, f, 5, k}, {n, k, 12, m}, {s, t, 1, y}}

and want to apply differences on the third parts and keep the parts right of the numerals collected.

My result should be

l2 = {{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}

I tried Map and MapAt, but I could not get anywhere. I could work around split things up and connect again. But is there a better way to do it?


6 Answers 6


Perhaps this?:

l1 = {{a, b, 3, c}, {e, f, 5, k}, {n, k, 12, m}, {s, t, 1, y}};

l2 = Differences[l1[[All, 3 ;;]]] /. b_ - a_ :> Sequence[a, b]
(*  {{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}  *)

It assumes the letter symbols are simple and not complicated expressions.

This is more complicated, but more robust:

Flatten /@ 
   Partition[Transpose@l1[[All, 3 ;;]], {1, 2}, {1, 1}], {1, All, 1}]
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you. I have to digest your answer. $\endgroup$
    – user57467
    Commented May 1, 2019 at 15:03
  • $\begingroup$ How would you do it if l1= {{z,a, b, 3, c}, {w,e, f, 5, k}, {q,n, k, 12, m}, {p,s, t, 1, y}}; $\endgroup$
    – user57467
    Commented May 1, 2019 at 15:36
  • $\begingroup$ @user57467 I would change the third column to the fourth: l1[[All, 4 ;;]]. You can programmatically get the column with col = Position[First@l1, _?NumericQ][[1, 1]] or col = Position[First@l1, _Integer][[1, 1]]; then use l1[[All, col ;;]]. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented May 1, 2019 at 15:44

You can also use BlockMap as follows:

BlockMap[{#[[3]].{-1, 1}, ## & @@ Flatten@#[[4 ;;]]} &@* Transpose, l1, 2, 1]

{{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}


BlockMap[{#[[1]].{-1, 1}, ## & @@ Flatten@ #[[2 ;;]]} &@*Transpose, l1[[All, 3 ;;]], 2, 1]

{{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}

  • $\begingroup$ I am impressed! $\endgroup$
    – user57467
    Commented May 1, 2019 at 16:08

This is very similar to kglr's first solution but picks the relevant quantities a bit more explicitly:

l2 = BlockMap[{#[[2, 3]] - #[[1, 3]], #[[1, 4]], #[[2, 4]]} &, l1, 2, 1]

{{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}

With a parameter to change the symbolic column quickly:

l2 = With[{col = 3},
  BlockMap[{#[[2,col]] - #[[1,col]], #[[1,col+1]], #[[2,col+1]]} &, l1, 2, 1]]

{{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}

  • $\begingroup$ Wow! Good! I enjoy the clarity! $\endgroup$
    – user57467
    Commented May 2, 2019 at 16:00

A solution with MapThread on an offset Partition.

MapThread[Sequence @@ #@#2 &, {{Differences, Identity}, Transpose@#}] & /@ 
 Partition[l1[[All, 3 ;;]], 2, 1]
{{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}

Differences is applied to the integers while Identity preserves the form of the symbols.

Hope this helps.

list = {{a, b, 3, c}, {e, f, 5, k}, {n, k, 12, m}, {s, t, 1, y}};

Using SequenceCases

SequenceCases[list, {{__, a_, b_}, {__, c_, d_}} :> {c - a, b, d}, 
  Overlaps -> True]

{{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}


list = {{a, b, 3, c}, {e, f, 5, k}, {n, k, 12, m}, {s, t, 1, y}};
funcs = {Nothing &, Nothing &, Differences, List};
Flatten[#, 2] &@MapThread[Construct, {funcs, Transpose@#}] & /@ 
 Partition[list, 2, 1]


list = {{a, b, 3, c}, {e, f, 5, k}, {n, k, 12, m}, {s, t, 1, y}};
a1 = Differences[list[[All, 3]]]
a2 = list[[All, 4]] // Partition[#, 2, 1] & // Transpose
Transpose@Join[{a1}, a2]

{{2, c, k}, {7, k, m}, {-11, m, y}}


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