I was wondering if I could have help with the rotation of the axis of my plot.
S[z] =
{{0.3451, 0},
{3.61504, 14.5525503047423}, {6.43385, 28.1359640888397},
{8.20271, 35.8693997314435}, {10.36884, 40.0596469567131},
{12.70524, 40.7344299897916}, {14.6349, 49.3205653991629},
{16.64968, 47.236883162213}, {18.57934, 53.6723782396654},
{20.42387, 60.1963170848129}, {23.15755, 61.0961774098441},
{25.49395, 67.8907159035738}, {27.74521, 66.7281232290898},
{29.35326, 74.270969135446}, {30.72483, 69.3890375468614},
{32.89096, 84.4267811980949}, {34.0166, 84.5491651221964}},
Joined -> True]
data =
{{0.3451, 0},
{3.61504, 14.5525503047423}, {6.43385, 28.1359640888397},
{8.20271, 35.8693997314435}, {10.36884, 40.0596469567131},
{12.70524, 40.7344299897916}, {14.6349, 49.3205653991629},
{16.64968, 47.236883162213}, {18.57934, 53.6723782396654},
{20.42387, 60.1963170848129}, {23.15755, 61.0961774098441},
{25.49395, 67.8907159035738}, {27.74521, 66.7281232290898},
{29.35326, 74.270969135446}, {30.72483, 69.3890375468614},
{32.89096, 84.4267811980949}, {34.0166, 84.5491651221964}};
S = Interpolation[data];
Plot2525 = Plotmeasured =
Plot[S[z], {z, First[data][[1]], Last[data][[1]]}]
Rotate[Show[Plot2525, PlotRange -> All ], 270 Degree],
{"Depth m", " Unit shaft friction (KPa)"},
{Left, Top},
RotateLabel -> True]
It needs to be rotated 90 degree.