
Im trying to animate multiple points around multiple parametric plots which depicts orbital motion of body around a planet. Initial conditons are;

μ = 3.986004418*10^14
a = {7.92597218162462`*^6, 7.359004757830201`*^6, 
r = {7.388961739897817`*^6, 7.352270990873303`*^6, 
v = {7589.490674834727`, 7366.424498576473`,7541.464522475139`}
Ecc = {0.014, 0.025, 0.03}(*eccentricity*)
RAAN = {150, 160, 170}
Inc = {20, 80, 320}
ArgPer = {220, 110, 330}

The following parametric equations are

Table[{x[t] = 
   a[[i]] (1 - Ecc[[i]]^2)/(1 + Ecc[[i]]*Cos[t])*Cos[t],{y[t] = 
   a[[i]] (1 - Ecc[[i]]^2)/(1 + Ecc[[i]]*Cos[t])*Sin[t]}}, {i, 1, 3}]

which are used in NDSolve

orbsoln = 
    t] + (μ*(x[t][[i]]))/((x[t][[i]])^2 + (y[t][[i]])^2)^(3/2) == 
  0, (y''[
    t] + (μ* (y[t][[i]]))/((x[t][[i]])^2 + (y[t][[i]])^2)^(3/2) ==
   0, x[0] == r[[j]], y[0] == 0, 
    Derivative[1][x][0] == 0, Derivative[1][y][0] == v[[j]]}, {x , 
y}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}], {j, 1, 3}]

The results are then plotted using Animate and rotated into plane using an euler rotation matrix

EulerRotationMatrix[{i_, Ω_, ω_}] := RotationMatrix[
i, {0, 0, 1}].RotationMatrix[Ω, {0, 1, 
 0}].RotationMatrix[ω, {0, 0, 1}];

 plot = Table[
   Evaluate[(EulerRotationMatrix[{RAAN[[m]] Degree, Inc[[m]] Degree, 
     ArgPer[[m]] Degree}].{x[t], y[t], 0}) /. First[orbsoln]], {t,
 0, 2 Pi}, PlotRange -> 0.8*10^7], {m, 1, 3}]

  Graphics3D[{PointSize[0.02], Red, 
  Evaluate[(EulerRotationMatrix[{RAAN[[o]] Degree, 
        Inc[[o]] Degree, ArgPer[[o]] Degree}].{x[t], y[t], 0}) /. 
    First[orbsoln]], {o, 1, 3}]]}]], {t, 0, 2 Pi}]

I'm aiming to show 3 points following their parametric path that has been defined by NDsolve, but all i get is this plot;

enter image description here

and the error message

Coordinate {{{6.978455209925671*^6, 1.4717698904511775*^6, 1.9318209890130716*^6}}, {{-1.9573444509619826]^6, -6.669739440694639^6, 2.5060436058655437*^6}}, {{-4.195765089771511*^6, 4.47488342280073*^6, 4.119204986980711*^6}}} should be a triple of numbers, or a Scaled form.

Can anyone point out where I have gone wrong?

  • $\begingroup$ orbsoln doesn't work properly $\endgroup$
    – Alrubaie
    Commented Mar 29, 2019 at 23:15

2 Answers 2


Your expression for assigning values to x[t] and y[t] look suspect.

  {x[t] = a[[i]] (1 - Ecc[[i]]^2)/(1 + Ecc[[i]]*Cos[t])*Cos[t],
    {y[t] = a[[i]] (1 - Ecc[[i]]^2)/(1 + Ecc[[i]]*Cos[t])*Sin[t]}}, 
  {i, 1, 3}]



but most of that is thrown away;x[t], y[t] are just

Column[{x[t], y[t]}]


I find it hard to believe this what you want.


After I spent quite a bit more time studying your code I concluded that main error is in formulating orbsoln. However, I going to ignore it, because I think it might not be necessary for what you want to do.

μ = 3.986004418*10^14;
a = {7.92597218162462`*^6, 7.359004757830201`*^6, 6.970300551929753`*^6};
r = {7.388961739897817`*^6, 7.352270990873303`*^6, 6.989358622500435`*^6};
v = {7589.490674834727`, 7366.424498576473`, 7541.464522475139`};
Ecc = {0.014, 0.025, 0.03};
RAAN = {150, 160, 170};
Inc = {20, 80, 320};
ArgPer = {220, 110, 330};

EulerRotationMatrix[{i_, Ω_, ω_}] := 
  RotationMatrix[i, {0, 0, 1}] . 
    RotationMatrix[Ω, {0, 1, 0}] . 
      RotationMatrix[ω, {0, 0, 1}]

All you really need is the table of orbit expressions written this way.

Block[{t, orbits2D},
  orbits2D =
         a[[i]] (1 - Ecc[[i]]^2)/(1 + Ecc[[i]]*Cos[t])*Cos[t], {i, 1, 3}],
         a[[i]] (1 - Ecc[[i]]^2)/(1 + Ecc[[i]]*Cos[t])*Sin[t], {i, 1, 3}], 
       {0, 0, 0}}];
  orbits3D =
    {orb[1][t_], orb[2][t_], orb[3][t_]} = 
          {RAAN[[m]] Degree, Inc[[m]] Degree, ArgPer[[m]] Degree}].orbits2D[[m]], 
        {m, 1, 3}]];

Now we can make the background plot showing the orbit traces with

plot = ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate @ orbits3D, {t, 0, 2 Pi}];

and make a demonstration showing particles following those obits with Manipulate. I leave it to you to convert the Manipulate to an `Animate expression if that's what you prefer. It's an easy exercise.

   Graphics3D[{Red, AbsolutePointSize[5], Point[Evaluate[orb[#][t] & /@ Range[3]]]}]],
 {t, 0, 2 Pi}]


Note: As the problem is reformulated here, the independent variable t does not represent time. So this is a purely kinematic solution. The orbital parameters μ, r and v are not used. I think you were trying to get the true dynamics of the orbits with orbsoln, but I find that code so confusing that I don't see how to fix it.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for your reply, im trying to use the individual column values of x[t] and y[t] in NDsolve, i thought this was working as parametric plots were generated for the respective parametric paths. Could you explain why although the paths are generated, the animated points are not? $\endgroup$
    – isaac5122
    Commented Mar 30, 2019 at 9:01

I thought it might be useful as a reference to demonstrate a side-by-side comparison of two ways to visualize Keplerian orbits from their orbital elements, either by using the exact polar equations, or by using ParametricNDSolveValue[]:

μ = QuantityMagnitude[PlanetData["Earth", "GravitationalConstantMassProduct"]];

(* semimajor axes *)
A = {7.92597218162462`*^6, 7.359004757830201`*^6, 6.970300551929753`*^6};
(* eccentricities *)
ε = {0.014, 0.025, 0.03};

(* argument of periapsis *)
ω = {220, 110, 330} °;
(* inclination *)
ι = {20, 80, 320} °;
(* longitude of the ascending node *)
Ω = {150, 160, 170} °;

kepler[a_, e_, θ_] := a (1 - e^2)/(1 + e Cos[θ])

orbit = ParametricNDSolveValue[{r''[t] == -μ r[t]/Norm[r[t]]^3, 
                                r[0] == {a (1 - e), 0}, 
                                r'[0] == {0, Sqrt[μ (1 + e)/(a (1 - e))]}}, 
                               r, {t, 0, 2 π a Sqrt[a/μ]}, {a, e}];

                       Function[{a, e, Ω, ι, ω},
                                Append[kepler[a, e, θ] AngleVector[θ], 0] .
                                EulerMatrix[{Ω, ι, ω}, {3, 1, 3}]],
                       {A, ε, Ω, ι, ω}] // Evaluate, {θ, 0, 2 π},
                       PlotLabel -> "Exact"],
             ParametricPlot3D[MapThread[Function[{a, e, Ω, ι, ω},
                              Append[IdentityMatrix[2], {0, 0}] .
                              orbit[a, e][a Sqrt[a/μ] t] .
                              EulerMatrix[{Ω, ι, ω}, {3, 1, 3}]],
                              {A, ε, Ω, ι, ω}] // Evaluate, {t, 0, 2 π},
                              PlotLabel -> "NDSolve"]},
            PlotLabel -> "Keplerian Orbits"]

Kepler orbits


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