After studying during these days, now I could answer the question myself.
I admit that both my solution and code are far from good and efficient, even some mistakes or making an unnecessary move. Please give your suggestion if you see anything.
We first create $2M$ equidistant grid points $x_m=(m-M)h$ with $m=1,2,...,2M$.
The x-position of the grid points is stored in xtab
M = 40; L = 10; h = L/M;
xtab = Table[(m - M) h, {m, 1, 2*M}];
Then we should discretize the solution of PDE along $x$ into $2M$ solutions of a set of coupled ODEs. u[m][t]
denotes the solution of function $u(x,t)$ at point $x_m$. Here, I didn't include the left end-point, since it can be set to be u[0][t]=u[2*M][t]
according to the periodicity.
U[t_] = Table[u[m][t], {m, 1, 2*M}];
The spatial derivatives are discretized using 2nd-order central differences,
here the periodic condition should be applied.
Because I didn't know how to generate these derivatives using ListCorrelate
both for boundary points and internal points in one-line command, I manually add the derivatives near the boundary. Please give me some advice if you know how to do this.
1st-derivative wrt x
internaldUdx = ListCorrelate[{-1, 0, 1}/(2 h), U[t]]; (* for 2<= m <= 19*)
dUdx = Join[{(u[2][t] - u[2*M][t])/(2 h)},
internaldUdx, {(u[1][t] - u[2*M - 1][t])/(2 h)}];
2nd-derivative wrt x
internaldUdxx = ListCorrelate[{1, -2, 1}/h^2, U[t]]; (* for 2<= m<=19 *)
dUdxx = Join[{(u[2][t] - 2*u[1][t] + u[2*M][t])/h^2},
internaldUdxx, {(u[1][t] - 2 u[2*M][t] + u[2*M - 1][t])/h^2}];
3rd-derivative wrt x
internaldUdxxx = ListCorrelate[{-1, 2, 0, -2, 1}/(2 h^3), U[t]]; (*for 3<= m <= 2*M-2*)
dUdxxx = Join[{(-u[2 M - 1][t] + 2 u[2 M][t] - 2 u[2][t] + u[3][t])/(2 h^3), (-u[2*M][t] + 2 u[1][t] - 2 u[3][t] + u[4][t])/(2 h^3)},
internaldUdxxx, {(-u[2*M - 1 - 2][t] + 2*u[2*M - 1 - 1][t] - 2*u[2*M - 1 + 1][t] + u[1][t])/(2 h^3), (-u[2*M - 2][t] + 2 u[2*M - 1][t] - 2 u[1][t] + u[2][t])/(2 h^3)}];
4th-derivative wrt x
internaldUdxxxx = ListCorrelate[{1, -4, 6, -4, 1}/h^4, U[t]]; (*for 3 <= m <= 2M-2*)
dUdxxxx = Join[{(u[2*M - 1][t] - 4*u[2*M][t] + 6*u[1][t] - 4*u[1 + 1][t] +
u[1 + 2][t])/h^4, (u[2*M][t] - 4*u[1][t] + 6*u[2][t] - 4*u[2 + 1][t] + u[2 + 2][t])/h^4},
internaldUdxxxx, {(u[2*M - 3][t] - 4*u[2*M - 2][t] + 6*u[2*M - 1][t] - 4*u[2*M][t] + u[1][t])/h^4, (u[2*M - 2][t] - 4*u[2*M - 1][t] + 6*u[2*M][t] - 4 u[1][t] + u[2][t])/h^4}];
To discretize the integral, we may introduce the mid-points: $x_{m+1/2}=(x_m+x_{m+1})/2$ for $m=1,2,....,2M-1$ with $x_{1/2}=(-L+x_1)/2$.
midxtab = Join[{(-L + (1 - M) h)/2}, Table[((m - M) h + (m + 1 - M) h)/2, {m, 1, 2*M - 1}]];
int[midP_] := h/(2 L)*dUdxxxIntP.Cot[\[Pi]*(midxtab[[midP]] - xtab)/(2*L)]
Constructing the system of ODEs and the discrete initial condition:
eqns = Thread[D[U[t], t] == -U[t]*dUdx - dUdxx - dUdxxxx -
Join[Table[1/2*(int[midP] + int[midP + 1]), {midP, 1, 2*M - 1}], {int[2*M] + int[1]}]];
initc = Thread[U[0] == 1/10*Cos[\[Pi]/L*xtab]];
The original PDE now can be solved numerically:
tmax = 10;
lines = NDSolveValue[{eqns, initc}, U[t], {t, 0, tmax},
Method -> {"EquationSimplification" -> "Solve"}] // Flatten;
Then, we can plot by interpolating (appreciating @bbgodfrey's answer to a related question)
surf = Flatten[Table[{(line - M)*h, t, lines[[line]]}, {line, 1, 2*M}, {t, 0,
tmax, 0.2}], 1];
ListPlot3D[surf, PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> {"x", "t", "u"}, ImageSize -> Large, LabelStyle -> {Black, Bold, Medium}]
. This would mean replacingD[Integrate[u[xp, t]*Cot[\[Pi] (x - xp)/(2*L)], {xp, -L, L}], {x, 3}]
withNIntegrate[-((\[Pi]^3 (2 + Cos[(\[Pi] (x - xp))/L]) Csc[(\[Pi] (x - xp))/(2 L)]^4 u[xp, t])/(4 L^3)), {xp, -L, L}]
, where the integrand in the second form was found withD[u[xp, t]*Cot[\[Pi] (x - xp)/(2*L)], {x, 3}] // FullSimplify
. $\endgroup$