To test the VariationalMethods`
toolbox, I tried to compute $\frac{\delta I[y]}{\delta y(x)}$ for the following functional, assuming $w(x)$ is some well-behaved function:
$\qquad I[y(x)]=\int y(x) g\left(\int w(t) y(t-x)dt\right)dx$
The exact answer is:
$\qquad \frac{\delta I[y]}{\delta y(x)}= g\left(\int w(t) y(t-x)dt\right) + \int w(x)y(x)g'\left(\int w(t) y(t-x)dt\right)dx$,
where $g'(x)$ is the derivative of $g(x)$.
Mathematica did not find the above result.
These are the commands I run:
<< VariationalMethods`
VariationalD[y[x]*g[Integrate[w[t]*y[t - x], t]], y[x], x]
The the above code gives only the first term of the exact answer. What am I doing wrong? Is it even possible to compute such variations with Mathematica?
the value ofy[t-x]
is not variated. Anyway, I am also disappointed with the capabilities of the package you mentioned. $\endgroup$