
Im trying to make a legend with data labelled in groups. I'm doing this by combining SwatchLegends using Row, Column and Grid. Here is an example of a Row constructed legend:

    {Red, Green, Blue},
    {"label1", "label2", "label3"},
    LegendLabel -> "group1",
    LegendFunction -> "Frame"

    {Yellow, Purple},
    {"label4", "label5"},
    LegendLabel -> "group2", 
    LegendFunction -> "Frame"

    LegendLabel -> "group3", 
    LegendFunction -> "Frame"
  Alignment -> Top]

enter image description here

As you can see the option Alignment -> Top does not cause the legend objects to align at the top as I would expect. Interestingly, if I use Grid it works pretty much how I expect (with some extra spacing between the Grid elements):

  {{SwatchLegend[{Red, Green, Blue},
     {"label1", "label2", "label3"},
     LegendLabel -> "group1",
     LegendFunction -> "Frame"],
    SwatchLegend[{Yellow, Purple},
     {"label4", "label5"},
     LegendLabel -> "group2", 
     LegendFunction -> "Frame"],
     LegendLabel -> "group3",
      LegendFunction -> "Frame"]}},
  Alignment -> Top]]

enter image description here

Is this a bug? Am I using a wrong setting when using Row?


2 Answers 2


I usually use Multicolumn and it works as expected.

Framed[Multicolumn[{SwatchLegend[{Red, Green, Blue}, {"label1", 
     "label2", "label3"}, LegendLabel -> "group1", 
    LegendFunction -> "Frame"], 
   SwatchLegend[{Yellow, Purple}, {"label4", "label5"}, 
    LegendLabel -> "group2", LegendFunction -> "Frame"], 
   SwatchLegend[{Orange}, {"label6"}, LegendLabel -> "group3", 
    LegendFunction -> "Frame"]}, 3, Alignment -> Top]]

enter image description here

or ddd vertical and horizontal space with Spacings -> {0, 0}

Framed[Multicolumn[{SwatchLegend[{Red, Green, Blue}, {"label1", 
     "label2", "label3"}, LegendLabel -> "group1", 
    LegendFunction -> "Frame"], 
   SwatchLegend[{Yellow, Purple}, {"label4", "label5"}, 
    LegendLabel -> "group2", LegendFunction -> "Frame"], 
   SwatchLegend[{Orange}, {"label6"}, LegendLabel -> "group3", 
    LegendFunction -> "Frame"]}, 3, Alignment -> Top, 
  Spacings -> {0, 0}]]

enter image description here


Update: An alternative approach is to replace "Frame" with a custom LegendFunction:

legendFunc[pos_: (Top -> Top)] := Framed[#, FrameStyle -> Gray, 
    RoundingRadius -> 5, FrameMargins -> 0, BaselinePosition -> pos] &

Framed[Row[{SwatchLegend[{Red, Green, Blue}, {"label1", "label2", "label3"},
     LegendLabel -> "group1", LegendFunction -> legendFunc[]], 
   SwatchLegend[{Yellow, Purple}, {"label4", "label5"}, 
    LegendLabel -> "group2", LegendFunction -> legendFunc[]], 
   SwatchLegend[{Orange}, {"label6"}, LegendLabel -> "group3", 
    LegendFunction -> legendFunc[]]}, Spacer[1]]] 

enter image description here

Original answer:

Grid and Multicolumn are my preferred solutions. However, if you have to use Row you can wrap each element with Pane and use the option BaselinePosition -> Top -> Top:

baselinePos[pos_: (Top -> Top)] := Pane[#, "BaselinePosition" -> pos] &;

Framed[Row[baselinePos[] /@ 
   {SwatchLegend[{Red, Green, Blue}, {"label1", "label2", "label3"}, LegendLabel -> "group1",
      LegendFunction -> "Frame"], 
    SwatchLegend[{Yellow, Purple}, {"label4", "label5"}, LegendLabel -> "group2",
      LegendFunction -> "Frame"], 
    SwatchLegend[{Orange}, {"label6"}, LegendLabel -> "group3", 
      LegendFunction -> "Frame"]}]]

enter image description here

Use Spacer[1] as the second argument in Row to get

enter image description here

Use baselinePos[Bottom -> Bottom] to get

enter image description here


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