
So i have a list of points, and i need them to be colored differently based on how many neighbours they have. I tried:

ListPlot[Nearest[list, list, {Infinity, 2}], 
ImageSize -> Large, AspectRatio -> 1]

but this doesnt work. Anyone have any ideas how to do this?

Thanks in Advance

Update: The List im using is About 6000 numbers long. Here is a part of it:

{{14.24, 12.5}, {14.15, 12.67}, {14.22, 12.36}, {14.17, 12.71}, 
{13.61, 12.42}, {14.35, 12.49}, {14.12, 12.68}, {14.26, 12.59}, 
{14.07, 12.56}, {14.19, 12.57}, {14.06, 12.9}, {14.17, 12.59}, 
{14.19, 12.67}, {14.23, 12.5}, {14.07, 12.49}, {14.45, 12.45}, {13.7, 
12.8}, {14.12, 12.59}, {14.07, 12.7}, {14.23, 13.07}, {13.83, 12.13}, 
{14.35, 12.79}, {13.92, 12.41}, {14.08, 12.65}, {13.68, 12.16}, 
{13.84, 13.18}, {13.58, 11.61}, {12.58, 12.3}, {12.84, 13.25}, 
{13.57, 12.66}, {13.74, 12.18}, {13.24, 12.33}, {13.05, 12.47}, 
{13.26, 12.67}, {13.7, 12.35}, {13.68, 10.79}, {13.35, 12.19}, 
{13.77, 12.46}, {13.67, 12.15}, {12.75, 12.21}, {13.06, 12.81}}
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ To make it easy for us to help you it's always a good idea to post a (reasonable) data set representative of your own. As it stands, you depend on the kindness of strangers to make a guess at a suitable lst for you. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 6, 2019 at 17:48

3 Answers 3

nc = Length /@ Nearest[list, list, {Infinity, 2}];
minmax = MinMax[nc];
legend = SwatchLegend[ColorData[{"Rainbow", minmax}] /@ Union[nc], 
   Union@nc, LegendLabel -> "Neighbor Counts", 
   LegendLayout -> {"Row", 1}, LegendMarkers -> "Bubble"];


You can wrap each data point with List and use the option PlotStyle to style each point differently:

ListPlot[List /@ list, 
 PlotStyle -> (Directive[PointSize[Large], ColorData[{"Rainbow", minmax}]@#] & /@ nc), 
 PlotLegends -> Placed[legend, Top], 
 ImageSize -> Medium, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here

Alternatively, you can style each data point differently by wrapping it with Style as in Jon's answer:

ListPlot[Style[#, ColorData[{"Rainbow", minmax}][#2]] & @@@ Transpose[{list, nc}],
 PlotLegends -> Placed[legend, Top], BaseStyle -> PointSize[Large], 
 ImageSize -> Medium, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> All]

same picture


You can also use BubbleChart by appending to each data point its neighbor count:

BubbleChart[Join[list, List /@ nc,  2], ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", 
 BubbleSizes -> {.02, .02}, ChartLegends -> Placed[legend, Top]]

enter image description here


rg = RelationGraph[EuclideanDistance[##] <= 2 &, list];
cols = ColorData[{"Rainbow", MinMax@#}] /@ # &[1 + DegreeCentrality[rg]];
  VertexSize -> {Divide @@ (Subtract @@@ CoordinateBounds[list]), 1}/30, 
  VertexCoordinates -> list, 
  EdgeStyle -> Opacity[0], 
  VertexStyle -> Thread[VertexList[rg] -> cols], Frame -> True, 
  FrameTicks -> All, AspectRatio -> 1], Placed[legend, Top]]

enter image description here


Something like this will work - choose your own styling function...

nearCount[pt_, list_, dist_] := Length[Nearest[list, pt, {Infinity, dist}]];
styleByCount[pt_] := Style[pt, GrayLevel[nearCount[pt, list, 0.2]/15]];
ListPlot[styleByCount /@ list]

With your data = dat define a measure function between points. This is arbitrary.

measure[p1_, p2_] := 1/(.1 + Norm[p1 - p2]);

Assume a point's total measure is the sum of the measures between points. Get the total measures of points.

outerRes = Total@Outer[measure[#1, #2] &, dat, dat, 1]

Extend our data to 3D

augdat = Transpose@Join[Transpose[dat], {outerRes}];

Look at 3D plot (fun)...

          ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z}, Hue[z]]

enter image description here

Looking down from directly overhead by setting Viewpoint to get 2D view.

  ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z}, Hue[z]],
  ViewPoint -> {0, 0, Infinity}]

enter image description here


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