Consider the following:
rule = f[x] -> Sin[x]
if I now do, say:
f[y] /. rule
this does not work, because the rule wants the argument to specifically be x. Of course, I could do:
f[x] /. rule /. x -> y
but I really would be able to "clean" the rule of the input. As an example, If we use NDSolve to solve an ODE, we obtain a rule of the form:
{f -> InterpolatingFunction["stuff"]}
this is nice insofar that I can apply this rule to f, where the argument can be anything I wish. So, the question is, If I ALREADY have a rule as above, is there a nice way to "remove" the "[x]" part of all the functions, in the sense described above?
rule = f -> Sin
? $\endgroup$