Dear wolfram community,
I hope my problem is clear and easy to solve.
I have already solved the following heat equation over a domain:
pde = 1/r D[r*D[T[t, r, z], {r, 1}], {r, 1}] +
D[D[T[t, r, z], {z, 1}], {z, 1}] - D[T[t, r, z], {t}];
\[CapitalDelta]z = 50*10^(-4);(*[m]*)
R = 5*10^(-2);(*[m]*)
\[Tau] = 3.5*10^(-3)(*[s]*);
Tw = 200;(*[K]*)
\[CapitalOmega] =
ImplicitRegion[0 <= r <= R && -2*\[CapitalDelta]z <= z <= 0, {r, z}];
bc = {DirichletCondition[T[t, r, z] == Tw, z == -2*\[CapitalDelta]z],
DirichletCondition[T[t, r, z] == Tw, r == R]};
(*Note that the unspecified boundaries are set to Neuman zero by \
ic = {T[0, r, z] == 300 (*[K]*)};
sol = NDSolve[{pde == 0, bc, ic},
T, {t, 0, \[Tau]}, {r, z} \[Element] \[CapitalOmega]]
I optained an Interpolationfunction.
Manipulate[(*Plot mit relativen Farbspectrum*)
Plot3D[T[t, r, z] /. sol, {r, 0, R}, {z, -2*\[CapitalDelta]z, 0},
PlotRange -> {180, Tliq*1.1}, Mesh -> None,
Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {"r", "z", "T"} ,
AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.001],
ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap",
ColorFunctionScaling -> True,
ImageSize -> Large,
PlotLegends -> Automatic],
{t, 0, \[Tau], \[Tau]*0.01}]
Now I want to use the temperature distribution T[[Tau],r,z] as part of the initial value (T[0,r,z]) for a new domain (omeganew ) and then solve the heat equation over omeganew. The new domain is essentially the old domain but enlarged by an amount of 4*Δz:
omeganew = ImplicitRegion[0 <= r <= R && -4*Δz <= z <= 0, {r, z}];
Here is the tricky part: For the new solution I want the Temperature distribution from the previous solution to be "shifted" to the lower part of omeganew and a different function fc[r,z] (lets assume for the purpose of simplicity that fc[r,z]= constant) to be valid within the region that is newly added. So I need a shifted version of the previous solution with respect to the z-coordinate.
In a nutshel, I would like to extract the information (Temperaturevalues at an abitrary time t) obtained by NDsolve (e.g. sol) to construct a Unitstep function (is there a better alternative?) that I would then use as the initial condition for the new domain (omeganew).
Can anyone please help me?