
Got a function depending on single parameter "t" defined below which returns a 2 by 2 matrix

H[t_] := PauliMatrix[1] (3 - Cos[Pi t]) + PauliMatrix[3];
U[t_] := Total[Map[With[{x = Normalize[#]}, TensorProduct[x, x /. t -> 0]] &, Eigenvectors[H[t]]], 1];

When I call the function the result gets rounded to the identity

 {{1., 0.}, {0., 1.}}

But if I use a replacement I get the answer to a suitable precision

 U[t] /. t -> 0.2
 {{0.999843, -0.0177345}, {0.0177345, 0.999843}}

How do I change this behaviour?


3 Answers 3


This is not a precision problem. You can check that with

U[2/10] - U[0.2] // N

{{1.11022*10^-16, 5.55112*10^-17}, {5.55112*10^-17, 1.66533*10^-16}}

Eigenvectors simply does not (ortho-)normalize eigenvectors for symbolic input. Mostly because this would blow-up the complexity of the returned expressions even more.

  • $\begingroup$ Im sorry I don't see what your example illustrates. Why does U[2/10] give anything different to U[0.2]? I know Eigenvectors doesn't orthonormalise for symbolic input, which is why I'm forcing it to normalise the symbolic expression? If I evaluate the RHS side with "t' left symbolic, and then define the function from that expression it behaves as I want it to. How do you suggest I write the function? $\endgroup$
    – oweydd
    Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 13:10
  • $\begingroup$ Up to machine precision, U[2/10] does not give anything different from U[0.2]. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 13:24
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I don't see how you orthonormalize the eigenvectors. Did it occur to you that the replacement rule t -> 0 does nothing if you call U with anything else but t? Better use Orthogonalize. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 13:24
  • $\begingroup$ The eigenvectors are automatically orthogonal, so I don't need to worry about that. The replacement rule does in fact work if I call U with any symbolic input. None of this answers my question. $\endgroup$
    – oweydd
    Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 13:37
  • $\begingroup$ Yes you are right: The replacement rule does something also for other symbols. But it does not what you expect for numerical input. Here is something to mull over: f[t_] := {1, 2, 3, t} /. t -> 0; f /@ Range[3] f /@ N@Range[3]. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 13:48

The problem with the original code is an evaluation problem. @Henrik points this out in a comment.

The rule t -> 0 becomes 0.2 -> 0 in the call U[0.2]:

Hold[U[0.2]] /. DownValues@U
  Hold[Total[(With[{x$ = Normalize[#1]}, 
        x$ \[TensorProduct] (x$ /. 0.2 -> 0)] &) /@ Eigenvectors[H[0.2]], 1]]

However the rule is applied to the eigenvectors of H[0.2], which do not contain a 0.2 to replace:

(*  {{0.540734, -0.841193}, {-0.841193, -0.540734}}  *)

It's different in the call U[t], in which the rule is t -> 0 and the eigenvectors of H[t] contain a t to replace with zero.

One way around the difficulty is to use a different symbol for t in H[t]. Formal symbols cannot normally be assigned a value, so \[FormalT] is a good candidate:

UU[t_] := With[{v = Normalize /@ Eigenvectors[H[\[FormalT]]]},
     TensorProduct, {v /. \[FormalT] -> t, v /. \[FormalT] -> 0}], 1]

Since Eigenvectors[H[t]] is always the same, one might want to precompute the formulas for U[t] and use them to define the function U. It's a good idea to protect t with Block, in case it has been assigned a value. Also, it turns out formal symbols can be assigned a value by a user with Block[{\[FormalT] = 5}, <code>], so it would be even safer to use Module to create a temporary symbol for H[t]:

  UU[t_] = Module[{$t, v},
v = Normalize /@ Eigenvectors[H[$t]];
    Total[MapThread[TensorProduct, {v /. $t -> t, v /. $t -> 0}], 1]

Defining the function as

 U[t_] := Evaluate[Total[Map[With[{x = Normalize[#]}, TensorProduct[x,x /. t -> 0]] &, Eigenvectors[H[t]]], 1]];

gives the behaviour I want. But I still don't understand why the original definition did't work.

  • $\begingroup$ If this resolves your problem, then you should learn about the difference between Set (=) and SetDelayed (:=)... $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 13:45

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