C.E.'s answer is probably the best, relying as it does on a well-constructed Java library with serious people behind it, but I thought it'd be nice to have a pure Mathematica solution as well, so I sunk some time into building an XMLGraph
object which I put here.
The basic idea is to store the two pieces of data I talked about before, a Graph
that holds all of the structural relationships, and an Association
encoding all of the data as a flat data structure.
Each node then gets a name, e.g. "head:ee1d9544"
which goes into the Graph
and an entry in the Association
"Parent" -> "html:80da223b",
"Type" -> "head",
"Name" -> "head:ee1d9544",
"Meta" -> <||>,
"Children" -> {}
This way it's easy to mutate the object by changing entries in the flat association and it's easy to query the Graph
to get out structure.
I then used this to implement conversion from XMLElement
and CSS selectors, so here's a little rundown of what we can do (although development work isn't finished):
testXML =
{"HTML", "XMLObject"}
g = XMLGraph[testXML]
Then we can query, say, all the code
elements that follow a td
element (this was what originally spurred me to make this). The Mathematica code for this query in the standard way looks like:
t1 = Cases[testXML,
XMLElement["td", _, code_] :>
FirstCase[code, XMLElement["code", _, {s_, ___}] :> s,
Nothing, \[Infinity]], \[Infinity]];
The graph query looks like:
t2 = First /@ Values@
g@"Children"[g@"Select"["td code"]];
DeleteDuplicates@Sort@t1 == DeleteDuplicates@Sort@t2
Performance-wise we're a bit slower:
t1 = Cases[testXML,
XMLElement["td", _, code_] :>
FirstCase[code, XMLElement["code", _, {s_, ___}] :> s,
Nothing, \[Infinity]], \[Infinity]]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.00045, Null}
t2 = First /@ Values@
g@"Children"[g@"Select"["td code"]]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.0091, Null}
But other things like property look-ups are so much faster like this. Also we can do queries over the Association
instead of the graph (when possible) which is competitive with Cases
XMLElement["code", _, _], \[Infinity]]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.00015, Null}
nodes = g@"Select"["code"]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.00077, Null}
And once we have this set of nodes it's easy and fast to get all sorts of information out:
g@"Children"[nodes]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.00012, Null}
g@"Parent"[nodes]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.000082, Null}
g@"Attribute"[nodes, "colspan"]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.000084, Null}
This is rather more challenging to do well with XMLElement
We can also do easy modifications like this:
newG = g@"ModifyNodes"[
Thread[nodes -> <|"colspan" -> 2|>]
g@"Attribute"[nodes, "colspan"] // Take[#, 5] &
<|"td:ae4c93a0" -> "1", "td:c3fbb1ce" -> "1", "td:77adbfa1" -> "1",
"td:3efd9c29" -> "1", "td:69452f14" -> "1"|>
newG@"Attribute"[nodes, "colspan"] // Take[#, 5] &
<|"td:ae4c93a0" -> 2, "td:c3fbb1ce" -> 2, "td:77adbfa1" -> 2,
"td:3efd9c29" -> 2, "td:69452f14" -> 2|>
Or we can change some types and dump to XML:
mods = {newG["Root"] -> <|"Type" -> "xml"|>};
newG@"ModifyNodes"[mods]@"XML" // Shallow
XMLElement["xml", <|"version" ->
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN", "lang" -> "en",
"prefix" ->
"og: http://ogp.me/ns#", {"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/",
"xmlns"} -> "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"|>, {XMLElement[<<3>>],
The full list of supported methods is somewhat in flux, but it'll be exposed eventually and every method has a Symbol
backing it (e.g. XMLGraph`Package`SelectNodes
for "Select"
) so that's always possible to look at.
As a final usage note, with the structure as it's set-up the storage can always be handled by as HashTable
which would allow this XMLGraph
to be a truly mutable object in the way the object-oriented interface suggests it could be.
Hopefully this gives a sense of how this may be done and why this type of structure is useful. And of course, this is a preliminary package, so performance enhancements are always possible.