I need an efficient way to evaluate a certain double integral for a wide range of parameters:
$$I=(\gamma_l \gamma_L )^{3/2} \int_0^\infty \int_0^{1} \frac{r ~d r ~dx}{\sqrt{r^2+b^2 x^2}} \times \\ \times L_l \left( 2 \gamma_l r \right) L_L \left(2 \gamma_L r \right) e^{-(\gamma_l+\gamma_L) r} \left((-1)^{(j-J)/2} \cos \beta^{-}_{jJ} x-(-1)^{(j+J)/2} \cos \beta^{+}_{jJ} x\right)$$
Where $j,J,l,L$ are integers, such that $j \pm J$ is even, and: $$\beta^{\pm}_{jJ}=\frac{\pi (j \pm J)}{2} \\ \gamma_l=\frac{1}{l+1/2}$$
while $b>1$ is just a real parameter. I may need to have $j,J$ as large as $100$ at least. $l,L$ can be under $20$.
A special case $j=J$ allows one to take half of the integral over $x$ exactly, however the second part still needs to be evaluated numerically.
I have tried to make a change of variables and evaluate function of the form:
$$F(\beta,s)=s \int_0^1 \frac{\cos \beta u~du}{\sqrt{s^2+u^2}}$$
However, that wasn't successful, so I decided to use Gauss-Laguerre quadrature for the integral over $r$, because it seems to fit well. I have obtained the formula:
$$I \approx \frac{(\gamma_l \gamma_L )^{3/2}}{(\gamma_l+\gamma_L)(N+1)^2} \sum_{n=1}^N \frac{L_l \left( \frac{2 \gamma_l}{\gamma_l+\gamma_L} r_n \right) L_L \left(\frac{2 \gamma_L}{\gamma_l+\gamma_L} r_n \right)~r_n}{L_{N+1}^2(r_n)} \times \\ \times \int_0^{1} \frac{(-1)^{(j-J)/2} \cos \beta^{-}_{jJ} x-(-1)^{(j+J)/2} \cos \beta^{+}_{jJ} x}{\sqrt{1+\frac{b^2}{(\gamma_l+\gamma_L)^2 r_n^2} x^2}} dx$$
This seems to work for small $j,J$, but both performance and accuracy suffer when compared to Mathematica double integration routine. For example (updated after a comment about using PrecisionGoal
j = 11;
J = 23;
l = 2;
L = 5;
b = 10;
a1 = N[1/(l + 1/2), 20];
a2 = N[1/(L + 1/2), 20];
b1 = N[(\[Pi] j)/2, 20];
b2 = N[(\[Pi] J)/2, 20];
bm = b1 - b2;
bp = b1 + b2;
j1 = If[EvenQ[(j - J)/2], 1, -1];
j2 = If[EvenQ[J], 1, -1];
A0 = j1 N[(a1 a2)^(3/2), 20];
Nm = 10 Max[l, L, j, J];
A = (j1 (a1 a2)^(3/2))/((a1 + a2) (Nm + 1)^2);
S0 = (a1 + a2)^2 b^2;
S1 = b^2;
R = x /. NSolve[LaguerreL[Nm, x] == 0, 20];
T1 = AbsoluteTiming[R1 = (2 a1)/(a1 + a2) R;
R2 = (2 a2)/(a1 + a2) R;
w = (A R)/LaguerreL[Nm + 1, R]^2 LaguerreL[l, R1] LaguerreL[L, R2];
S = S0/(R^2) ;
If[EvenQ[j + J],
Total[ w/Sqrt[1 + S u^2]] (Cos[bm u] - j2 Cos[bp u]), {u, 0, 1},
PrecisionGoal -> 5, Method -> "LevinRule"], 0]]
T2 = AbsoluteTiming[
If[EvenQ[j + J],
A0 NIntegrate[(
LaguerreL[l, 2 a1 r] LaguerreL[L,
2 a2 r] Exp[-r (a1 + a2)] r (Cos[bm u] - j2 Cos[bp u]))/Sqrt[
r^2 + S1 u^2], {u, 0, 1}, {r, 0, Infinity}, PrecisionGoal -> 5],
I get:
{0.295737, 0.000107986}
{26.3857, 0.000107935}
For the double integral there's also extreme increase of error for GlobalAdaptive method (NIntegrate::eincr
). Monte Carlo works better, but still takes very long.
As you can see, quadrature rule is more computationally stable and much faster*, but doesn't give very accurate results for a small number of nodes. Meanwhile, double integration suffers from both singularity and oscillations, which leads to loss of precision.
For larger $j,J$ double integration is extremely slow, and I'm not sure if it even gives results. However, quadrature is slow as well and only converges for large number of nodes.
My questions are: is there a way to improve my implementation or find some other way of computing this integral for the specified range of parameters, with some degree of accuracy?
Additionally, if I still use the quadrature rule, how do I choose the number of nodes correctly?
In any case, for large $j,J$ double integral doesn't evaluate in several minutes and that's unacceptable. However, how do I check the accuracy of the approximate method without knowing the exact value?
I'm sorry for the length of the post, thank you for your time!
* that if we don't include the evaluation of the roots for the Laguerre polynomial. The roots of course can be pre-computed.
, and the runtime is not very good $\endgroup$NIntegrate
has issued an error message. IMO, including the actual nameNIntegrate::eincr
potentially helps other users search for Q&As with similar problems. Also, I originally mentioned it because occasionally you get different messages or no messages in different versions of Mathematica, and I want to check whether you were getting what I was getting. $\endgroup$