This question contained the problem of NullSpace, but previous ones not.
This is a problem seems like my previous one, but there is some details different. I find that perhaps one method can not solve all the cases with different parameter. And thus, this question is not a duplicate of another question.
t is a generated matrix containg kz. kz are obtained by solve Det[t]==0. I find that when s and m are set as some cases (e.g. s=5,m=2), I substitue the NSolve[Numerator[Together[N@Det[Chop[t]]]] == 0, kz] into t, of course Det[t]==0, this means there must exist NullSpace[t]. However, NullSpace[t] gives a {},Why? How to solve this problem. Many Thanks! The codes are as following:
s = 5;
m = 2;
th = Pi/4;
fi = Pi/6;
vh = 16;
mu = 11;
delta = 8;
HBAR = SetPrecision[1.05457266*10^(-34), 100];
ME = SetPrecision[9.1093897*10^(-31), 100];
ELEC = SetPrecision[1.60217733*10^(-19), 100];
Kh = Rationalize[0.211, 0];
vKh[1] := {0, 0, 0}
vKh[2] := {Kh, 0, 0};
vKh[3] := {-Kh, 0, 0};
vKh[4] := {0, Kh, 0};
vKh[5] := {0, -Kh, 0};
vKh[0] := {0, -Kh, 0};
vKh[i_] := vKh[Mod[i, 5]];
kc = Sqrt[2*ME*ELEC/HBAR^2]*10^(-11);
ku := kc*Sqrt[mu + delta];
kd := kc*Sqrt[mu - delta];
a3 = {Pi/Kh, Pi/Kh, Sqrt[2]*Pi/Kh};
k := {-ku*Sin[th]*Cos[fi], -ku*Sin[th]*Sin[fi], kz};
vkz[i_] :=
If[Mod[i, 5] != 0, {0, 0, (i - Mod[i, 5])/5*Kh*Sqrt[2]/(m + 1)}, {0,
0, (i - Mod[i, 5] - 5)/5*Kh*Sqrt[2]/(m + 1)}];
f[i_, i_] :=
Total[(k + vKh[i])^2] - ku^2 - kz^2 + (kz + Total[vkz[i]])^2;
f[i_, j_] :=
If[i == j, f[i, i],
Table[Exp[I*n*Total[(vKh[j] + vkz[j] - vKh[i] + vkz[i])*a3]], {n,
0, m}]]];
t := Array[f, {5*s, 5*s}];
slu := Select[
kz /. NSolve[Numerator[Together[N@Det[Chop[t]]]] == 0, kz],
Re[#] >= 0 && Im[#] >= 0 &];
td[i_] := t /. kz -> slu[[i]];
nu[i_] := NullSpace[Chop[td[i]]];
HBAR = SetPrecision[1.05457266*10^(-34), 100]
and so forth. After we take the determinant, we can go back to machine precision and callNSolve
on the numerator i.e.NSolve[Numerator[Together[N@Det[Chop[t]]]] == 0, kz]
. $\endgroup$