I am currently trying to obtain an analytical expression for a range of validity of an expression. I am doing this with reduce in mathematica but it keeps giving me the expression in terms of the Roots function. I tried to solve it and these roots have analytical solutions, is there any way to get a cleaner expression, preferably in terms of the parameters only and no root function... Thank you
FullSimplify[Reduce[{-((6 \[Alpha]^4 + 21 \[Alpha]^3 \[Lambda] + 27 \[Alpha]^2 \[Lambda]^2 + 15 \[Alpha] \[Lambda]^3 + 3 \[Lambda]^4 + Sqrt[3] Sqrt[-(\[Alpha] + \[Lambda])^6 (-72 + 16 \[Alpha]^3 \[Lambda] + 21 \[Lambda]^2 + 4 \[Alpha] \[Lambda] (-9 + 4 \[Lambda]^2) + 4 \[Alpha]^2 (-15 + 8 \[Lambda]^2))])/( 4 (\[Alpha] + \[Lambda])^4)) < 0 && -((6 \[Alpha]^4 + 21 \[Alpha]^3 \[Lambda] + 27 \[Alpha]^2 \[Lambda]^2 + 15 \[Alpha] \[Lambda]^3 + 3 \[Lambda]^4 - Sqrt[3] Sqrt[-(\[Alpha] + \[Lambda])^6 (-72 + 16 \[Alpha]^3 \[Lambda] + 21 \[Lambda]^2 + 4 \[Alpha] \[Lambda] (-9 + 4 \[Lambda]^2) +4 \[Alpha]^2 (-15 + 8 \[Lambda]^2))])/( 4 (\[Alpha] + \[Lambda])^4)) < 0 && -((3 (-2 \[Beta] + \[Lambda] + \[Lambda] \[Mu]))/(\[Alpha] \
+ \[Lambda])) < 0 && \[Alpha] (\[Alpha] + \[Lambda]) > -3 && \[Lambda] \
(\[Lambda] + \[Alpha]) > 3}, {\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Lambda], \[Mu]},
Reals, Cubics -> True, Quartics -> True]]