I am new to Mathematica and I am trying to get to it to produce some expressions in Fortran code. However, it seems that Mathematica will output duplicated expressions, that is, expressions the need not be calculated more than once. Is there any good method to define a rule so that Mathematica will recognize duplicated expressions, assign them to a new variable, and then optimize the Fortran code?
The following is some code I wrote to test Mathematica's Fortran capabilities. The solution of x, y and z contains many duplicated expressions, for example, (-36*a + 20*a**3 - 216*b)**2.
sol = Solve[{x^2 + y^2 + z^2 == 1, x + y + z == a , x*y*z == b}, {x, y, z}];
xx = x /. sol
yy = y /. sol
zz = z /. sol
Print["Writing Fortran Code . . . : / "];
strm = OpenWrite["test.f90", FormatType -> FotranForm, PageWidth -> 70];
(* write subroutine of invisopar*)
WriteString[strm, "subroutine test(x,y,z,a,b)\n"];
WriteString[strm, "implicit none\n"];
WriteString[strm, "real*8::x,y,z,a,b\n"];
nroot = Length[xx];
For[ii = 1, ii <= nroot,
"x = " <> ToString[FortranForm[xx[[ii]]]] <> "\n"]; ii++];
For[ii = 1, ii <= nroot,
"y = " <> ToString[FortranForm[yy[[ii]]]] <> "\n"]; ii++];
For[ii = 1, ii <= nroot,
"z = " <> ToString[FortranForm[zz[[ii]]]] <> "\n"]; ii++];
WriteString[strm, "end subroutine\n"];
Print["Finished Writing Fortran Code . . . : / "];
When the test.f90 is outputted, the first solution of x is:
x = a/3. + (-6 + 2*a**2)/(3.2*0.6666666666666666*(-36*a + 20*a*3 + Sqrt(4(-6 + 2*a*2)*3 + (-36*a + 20*a**3 - 216*b)**2) - 216*b)**0.3333333333333333) - (-36*a + 20*a*3 + Sqrt(4(-6 + 2*a*2)*3 + (-36*a + 20*a**3 - 216*b)**2) - 216*b)**0.3333333333333333/(6.2*0.3333333333333333)
I would like that the code is as follows:
tmp0 = 216*b
tmp1 = -36*a + 20*a**3
tmp2 = (tmp1 - tmp0 )**2
tmp3 = -6 + 2*a**2
tmp4 = 4*tmp3**3
tmp5 = Sqrt(tmp4 + tmp2 )
tmp6 = tmp1 + tmp5 - tmp0
tmp7 = tmp6**0.3333333333333333
tmp8 = 2**0.6666666666666666
x = a/3. + tmp3 /(3.*tmp8 *tmp7 ) - tmp7/(6.*tmp8)
I noticed that maple has the capability for optimizing Fortran; for example, the following maple code can output optimized Fortran code:
with(codegen, fortran)
A := array(1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, symmetric);
A[1, 1] := log(x); A[1, 2] := 1-log(x); A[2, 2] := 2-log(x);
fortran(A, optimized, mode = double)
So I want to know whether Mathematica also can do similar optimization.
FormatType -> FotranForm
in your code? That's not gonna work. $\endgroup$