Can someone explain why these outputs differ?
In[5]:= g1 =
Integrate[Exp[-I x (n + 1)]/( Exp[I x] + 2), {x, 0, 2 Pi},
Assumptions -> Element[n, Integers]];
In[6]:= g1 /. n -> 3
During evaluation of In[6]:= Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0 ComplexInfinity encountered.
Out[6]= Indeterminate
In[7]:= g2 = Integrate[Exp[-I x (3 + 1)]/( Exp[I x] + 2), {x, 0, 2 Pi}]
Out[7]= π/16
The last is correct, the first seems to apply some incorrect assumptions? Note
In[8]:= g1
Out[8]= 2^(-1 - n) Beta[-(1/2), -1 - n, 0] Sin[n π]
See Background for context.
{Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = 300, eps = 10^-300}, N[Limit[2^(-1 - n) Beta[-(1/2), -1 - n, 0] Sin[n \[Pi]], n -> 3 + eps], 100]] // Chop, N[Pi/16, 100]}