I wish to write a function which inputs a polynomial f[x] and outputs the powers of x which appear. (There might be a build in function for this but I want to learn to do this myself).
Initially I have
powers[m_] := m /. Plus -> List
Now I am faced with a problem I come against regularly. The naive next step is to define a rule
rule1={coeff_ x^pwr -> pwr}
but this wont work on some terms. If my polynomial is
a0 x^2 + a_1 x +a_2
Then my rule will only affect the first term because for example the second term is understood by mathematica as
and not
which my rule acts on. I can get around this by extending my rule to
rule1={coeff_ x^pwr -> pwr,coeff_ x -> 1}
but if a1=1 then this is still not enough and would need to use
rule1={coeff_ x^pwr -> pwr,coeff_ x -> 1,x -> 1}
Finally, none of my rules apply to the constant term and the only way I can see around this is to again extend my rule again, and I haven't even figured out what the correct rule is yet.
So my question is: is there a more straightforward way to define a rule which does what I want?
EDIT: I see that I can get around this issue by simply removing any problems which could arise, i.e. making sure everything has a coefficient not equal to 1 and a power greater than 1. So I could use
powers[m_] := a x^2 m //. Plus -> List /. {coeff_ x^pwr_ -> pwr - 2}
which works exactly as I require. But I still have my original issue in general.
x -> 0
... $\endgroup$