In this equation, the $T_0,p,l_1,\rho,C_{DN},d$ are all known and constant. I want to get every $v$, every $x_1$. I can get an $x_2$, and finally get the $x_2-x)_1$ varies as $v$.
The $v$ is from $0-10$
The $x_1$ is about $0-50$ and I don't know for sure.
The $x_2$ is about $0-50$ and I don't know for sure.
But surely $x_2$ is bigger than $x_1$ and $x_2-x_1$ is about $0-10$ or $20$ as $v$ varies.
$$\frac{T_0}{p}\sinh(\frac{p\cdot x_2}{T_0})-\frac{T_0}{p}\sinh(\frac{p\cdot x_1}{T_0})=l_1$$
I have tried
cdn = 1.2;
d = 0.0042;
l = 20;
rho = 1025;
p = rho1*l;
t0 = 1/2*rho*cdn*d*v^2;
v = 4;
x1 = 10;
s2 = FindRoot[{t0/p*Sinh[p*x2/t0] - t0/p*Sinh[p*x1/t0] == l}, {{x2,
(*{x2 -> 10.3377}*)
(x2 /. s2) - x1
but when
v = 4;
x1 = 20;
s2 = FindRoot[{t0/p*Sinh[p*x2/t0] - t0/p*Sinh[p*x1/t0] == l}, {{x2,
(x2 /. s2) - x1
(*{x2 -> 20.0033}*)
So how to get the $x_2-x_1$ varies as $v$?
And as we use different values of $x_1$ and the tried value of $x_2$ in the range, there are multiple solutions for $x2-x1$. So how to get all the $x_2-x_1$ varies as $v$?
cdn=1.2; d=0.0042; l=20; rho=1025; p=rho*l; v=RandomInteger[{0,10}]; t0=1/2*rho*cdn*d*v^2; x1=RandomInteger[{0,50}]; Print[{v, x1}]; Table[t0/p*Sinh[p*x2/t0]-t0/p*Sinh[p*x1/t0]-l, {x2,x1,x1+20}]
Almost always the expression you want to be about l==20 is instead near 10^1000. That might give you an idea how delicate this is going to be to find a solution without error messages. And if v or x1 are zero then this fails because of division by zero. $\endgroup$