Consider the curve $C$ defined by the equation $y\, \sin(x)+x\, \sin(y)+x+y=0$.
Find all points of the form $(8,y)$ that lie on $C$.
For each point found in part 1, evaluate the derivative $dy/dx$ at that point.
Plot the curve and the tangent lines at each of the points found in part 1.
My code is:
c = Plot[y*Sin[8] + 8*Sin[y] + 8 + y == 0, {y, -2 Pi, 2 Pi}];
cc = ContourPlot[y*Sin[x] + x*Sin[y] + x + y == 0, {x, -20, 20}, {y, -20, 20}];
Show[c, cc]
I am not sure if I am doing what question asked. My professor mentioned of doing something like this
implicit = D[y[x]*x*Sin[x] + x*Sin[y[x]] + x + y[x] == 0, x]
NSolve[y*Sin[8] + 8*Sin[y] + 8 + y == 0 && -10 < y < 10, y]