The version of the partial theta function I want to compute is
$O(z) = \sum\limits^\infty_{n=0}\exp(-(z+n\pi)^2)$
Does anyone have or know of code to efficiently compute $O(z)$? There are two papers dealing with this computation, but can't find any code.
Hiary, G. (2008). A nearly-optimal method to compute the truncated theta fcn, its derivatives and integrals. Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol 174, No. 2, pp 859-889.
Kuznetsov, A (2015). Computing the truncated theta function via Mordel-Integral. Math comp 84, pp 2911-2926
NSum[ Exp[-(z + n Pi)^2 ], {n, 0, Infinity}]
missing? $\endgroup$