A quick-and dirty method is to use complex-step differentiation:
With[{a = 1/10, b = 1/5, t = Exp[I 2 π/3], z = 1/10, h = 10^-9, prec = 20},
N[(SiegelTheta[{{a}, {b}}, {{t}}, z + I h] -
SiegelTheta[{{a}, {b}}, {{t}}, z - I h])/(2 I h), prec]]
-0.2567239264794337275 + 1.4709617732598025465 I
where even a modest-sized step size can yield a slightly more accurate result, compared to using a purely real step size.
Alternatively, one can use Cauchy's differentiation formula. Michael's answer shows one possible implementation, and here is another one:
With[{a = 1/10, b = 1/5, t = Exp[I 2 π/3], z = 1/10, r = 10^-6},
NIntegrate[SiegelTheta[{{a}, {b}}, {{t}}, z + r Exp[I u]]/(2 π r Exp[I u]),
{u, -π, π}, Method -> "Trapezoidal", WorkingPrecision -> 20]]
-0.2567239264794337266 + 1.4709617732598025411 I
Finally, one might also consider trying the "Lanczos derivative":
With[{a = 1/10, b = 1/5, t = Exp[I 2 Pi/3], z = 1/10, h = 10^-9},
(3/(2 h^3)) NIntegrate[u SiegelTheta[{{a}, {b}}, {{t}}, z + u], {u, -h, h},
Method -> "GlobalAdaptive", WorkingPrecision -> 20]]
-0.25672392647943372659 + 1.4709617732598025411 I